March 30, 2004
Hello Walter,

I downloaded the latest version 8.40.2n and it gives up with internal error when compiling this code:

//----------- start code --------------------
  class CSlideWin
     struct Entry
        long  br_l, br_r;
        long  pn, pm;
        long  pedal;
     static long CSlideWin::Entry::*members[5];
  }; //CSlideWin

  // BUG: compiler 8.40.2n crashes internal error 3191
  long CSlideWin::Entry::*CSlideWin::members[5] = {
        &CSlideWin::Entry::br_l, &CSlideWin::Entry::br_r,
        &CSlideWin::Entry::pn, &CSlideWin::Entry::pm,
//------------- end code ---------------------

The version 8.38 compiled this without problems.

- Heinz