April 20, 2003
I'm getting a linker error while trying to make
a library that uses a template.

Here is the template library file: temp.d

Z:\D\errreport1>type temp.d

module temp;

template Foo(Type)
  bit isSorted(Type[] array, int delegate(Type a,Type b) cmp)
    for(int i = 1; i < array.length; ++i)
      if(cmp(array[i-1],array[i]) > 0)
        return false;

    return true;

  void insertionSort(Type array[], int delegate(Type a,Type b) cmp)
    for (int i=1; i < array.length; i++)
      Type index = array[i];
      int j = i;
      while ((j > 0) && cmp(index,array[j-1]) == -1)
        array[j] = array[j-1];
        j = j - 1;
      array[j] = index;

Compile it and make it into a library

Z:\D\errreport1>dmd -c temp.d

Z:\D\errreport1>lib -c temp.lib temp.obj
Digital Mars Librarian Version 8.00n
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 2000-2002 All Rights Reserved
Digital Mars Librarian complete.
Here is the library that uses the template: usetemp.d

Z:\D\errreport1>type usetemp.d

module usetemp;

import temp;

alias instance Foo(int).insertionSort intSort;

void bar(int[] arr)
    delegate int(int a,int b)
      if(a < b) return -1;
      else if(a == b) return 0;
      else return 1;

Compile it and make it into a library

Z:\D\errreport1>dmd -c usetemp.d

Z:\D\errreport1>lib -c usetemp.lib usetemp.obj
Digital Mars Librarian Version 8.00n
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 2000-2002 All Rights Reserved
Digital Mars Librarian complete.
Here is the test file

Z:\D\errreport1>type err.d

import usetemp;

int main(char[][] argv)
  int[] test;
  test ~= 5;
  test ~= 12;
  test ~= 1;
  test ~= 3;
  test ~= 15;
  test ~= 45;
  test ~= 12;
  test ~= 9;


  return 0;

Try to put it all together and get a linker error

Z:\D\errreport1>dmd err.d usetemp.lib temp.lib Z:\tools\dmd\bin\link.exe err,,,usetemp.lib+temp.lib+user32+kernel32/noi;

OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 7.50B1
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001  All Rights Reserved

 Warning 140: Library probably needs FIXLIB
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _assert_temp
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _array_temp
--- errorlevel 2
Try compiling in the template directly same problem

Z:\D\errreport1>dmd err.d usetemp.lib temp.d Z:\tools\dmd\bin\link.exe err+temp,,,usetemp.lib+user32+kernel32/noi;

OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 7.50B1
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001  All Rights Reserved

 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _assert_temp
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _array_temp
--- errorlevel 2
Finally this works

Z:\D\errreport1>dmd err.d usetemp.d temp.d Z:\tools\dmd\bin\link.exe err+usetemp+temp,,,user32+kernel32/noi;
DMD version

Digital Mars D Compiler Beta v0.61
Copyright (c) 1999-2003 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright
  dmd files.d ... { -switch }

  files.d        D source files
  -c             do not link
  -d             allow deprecated features
  -g             add symbolic debug info
  -gt            add trace profiling hooks
  -v             verbose
  -O             optimize
  -oobjdir       write .obj files to directory objdir
  -Ipath         where to look for imports
  -Llinkerflag   pass linkerflag to link
  -debug         compile in debug code
  -debug=level   compile in debug code <= level
  -debug=ident   compile in debug code identified by ident
  -inline        do function inlining
  -release	 compile release version
  -unittest      compile in unit tests
  -version=level compile in version code >= level
  -version=ident compile in version code identified by ident