February 05, 2016

  I try to compile dlangide with gdc 5.2.1. It complains that

~/shared/dlang/dlangide$ dub build
Performing "debug" build using gdc for x86_64.
experimental_allocator 2.70.0-b1: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
emsi_containers 0.3.0: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
libdparse 0.3.0: building configuration "library"...
../../../.dub/packages/libdparse-0.3.0/src/dparse/lexer.d:1878:12: error: module std.string import 'lineSplitter' not found
     import std.string : lineSplitter, stripRight;

 I found there is no lineSplitter in the std/string.d in the gdc library.
 Is that a bug?

February 05, 2016
On Friday, 5 February 2016 at 02:48:31 UTC, Haiwei wrote:
>  I found there is no lineSplitter in the std/string.d in the gdc library.
>  Is that a bug?

IIRC lineSplitter was only introduced in Phobos 2.067 or 2.068. GDC probably just hasn't caught up yet.

 — David