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Feature Request: Packaged libraries
Mar 07, 2003
Kublai Kahn
Mar 07, 2003
Ken Carpenter
Mar 07, 2003
Olaf Rogalsky
March 07, 2003
I have an idea.  You could provide packaged library support.
You could support tar archived libraries.  Rather than include
the classes in separate files ect. They could be in a tar or archive file.
This could be like Java Jars or C# assemblies.  The include files
or libraries could be in an archive to make them more organized.
One file could hold 10 different versions or libraries in one file.
The Advantage is organization.  You could also add or remove files from
the archive with the tar utility.  The advantage of tar is it is standard
whereas Jars are Proprietary to Sun.  It doesn't even have to be a tar format.
It could be another D format.

Example D Tar Class File:
-rwxrwxrwx   10000 catalog.file  -- The meta catalog file
-rwxrwxrwx   12000 fileio        -- The filio library
-rwxrwxrwx   1233  stdout        -- The stdout library
-rwxrwxrwx   23332 xtdxo         -- The xtdxo library

import xtdio.fileio.tar;

Although Jars are better for Java because it has dynamic loading.

March 07, 2003
"Kublai Kahn" <> wrote in message news:b496r7$177t$
>The advantage of tar is it is standard whereas Jars are Proprietary to Sun.

Actually, JARs are not proprietary.  They are just ZIP files with a different extension.

Ken Carpenter

March 07, 2003
Kublai Kahn wrote:
> the archive with the tar utility.  The advantage of tar is it is standard whereas Jars are Proprietary to Sun.  It doesn't even have to be a tar format.
As the name suggests, tar is for tape archives. For disk archives there is the conventional "ar" command (yes sir, sure, I am talking about UN*X). But the you end up with the usual "*.a" libraries :-).

+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ I Dr. Olaf Rogalsky                         Institut f. Theo. Physik I I I Tel.: 09131 8528440                       Univ. Erlangen-Nuernberg   I I Fax.: 09131 8528444                       Staudtstrasse 7 B3         I I  D-91058 Erlangen           I +----------------------------------------------------------------------+