April 21, 2003

    The following snippet makes the dmd 0.61 crash in semantic3 phase:

module bug;
public template TRange(T) {
    debug private bit recursing = false;
    public class Range {
        private T _lower;
        private T _upper;
        public this(T lower, T upper) {
            this._lower = lower;
            this._upper = upper;
        public T lower() {
            return this._lower;
        public T upper() {
            return this._upper;
        public bit contains(T item) {
            return (lower() <= item) && (item <= upper());
        public bit intersects(Range other)
        in {
            assert(other !== null);
        } out (result) {
            debug {
                if (!recursing) {
                    recursing = true;
                    assert(result == other.intersects(this));
                } else {
                    recursing = false;
        } body {
            return contains(other.lower()) || contains(other.upper()) ||
        public bit includes(Range other)
        in {
            assert(other !== null);
        } out (result) {
            assert(result == (contains(other.lower()) &&
        } body {
            return contains(other.lower()) && contains(other.upper());

int main() {
    alias instance TRange(int).Range Range;
    Range r1 = new Range(1, 10);
    Range r2 = new Range(5, 15);
    printf("%d\r\n", r1.intersects(r2));
    return 0;

    If we compile it using -debug nothing wrong happens. In dmd 0.59 this
problem didn't happen.

    Best regards,
    Daniel Yokomiso.

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 - Henry David Thoreau

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