April 29, 2003
Burton, I must've done something wrong, but in order to compile this:

import dig;

class miEditor:Frame {
 this() {

int main(char[][] args) {
 (new miEditor()).showModal();
 return 0;

I had to type this whole nasty line:

digc foo dig.lib shell32.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib comctl32.lib -windowed

Without dig.lib: errorlevel 112. W/o shell32.lib: 16. w/o advapi32: 13. w/o
gdi32: 2. comdlg32 and comctl32 did the rest. Why?
I ran go.bat from \dmd\dig and everything compiled just fine. Now I'm
writing this program from \dmd\mydir and I have to do all this. I checked
\dmd\src and there're no files about dig over there. Is that how it should
be? Anyway, any ideas?

Carlos Santander

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May 01, 2003
Carlos Santander B. wrote:
> digc foo dig.lib shell32.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib
> comctl32.lib -windowed

Use "digc foo.d -windowed" instead so that it searches the file for imports - it doesn't know what to do for "foo" so it passes it to dmd unmolested.  I didn't know that was legal.