May 09, 2003
Well, looks like I was right on my hunch about the
def file. Seems to me that dmc defaults to 32bit
linking if no memory model is specified, however if
using a def file, if EXETYPE is not specified win 3.11
code is assumed. Adding "EXETYPE nt" fixed (one of)
my problems.

Now when I run the created executable I get an error
message: Application failed to initialize properly(0xc0000005).
Looks like it's to figure out this one now.. :-/

May 09, 2003
Yeah, there are some tweaks the IDDE would prevent you from... For one, it would create the .DEF file for you with all the necessary lines in it... ;-)

What kind of application (MFC, Win32-API, ???) are you trying to


Darren Fitzpatrick wrote:

> Well, looks like I was right on my hunch about the
> def file. Seems to me that dmc defaults to 32bit
> linking if no memory model is specified, however if
> using a def file, if EXETYPE is not specified win 3.11
> code is assumed. Adding "EXETYPE nt" fixed (one of)
> my problems.
> Now when I run the created executable I get an error
> message: Application failed to initialize properly(0xc0000005).
> Looks like it's to figure out this one now.. :-/