Thread overview
Concurrency - Flow Java Language
Sep 07, 2003
Mark Evans
Sep 07, 2003
Sep 07, 2003
Ilya Minkov
Sep 08, 2003
Sean L. Palmer
September 07, 2003
Daniel Y. wrote
> It's almost impossible to come with a good concurrency
> system for an imperative language like D. Java's model
> sucks, and to write a better model we need to (AFAICT):
> either lots of primitives and go the Ada way, or use a
> Actor-like model. IMO it's better to define the
> concurrency in the libraries and hope for the best ;)

Before I go on permanent vacation from D news, I should
address the claim that good concurrency in imperative
languages, specifically Java, is "almost impossible."
My counterclaim will be Flow Java as cited by
Peter Van Roy of Mozart/Oz fame (scroll down):$7453

So, good concurrency can indeed mesh with imperative
languages like Java (and D).  It doesn't take radical
surgery, either.  The Flow Java extension is described
as conservative and moderate.

Note, I am not claiming that concurrent operations will
be done in an imperative style, just correcting the
statement that implementation & design is hard.

The Armstrong talk is worthwhile for some real-world
concurrency case studies.  Relevant to D is that
Erlang is used in commercial firmware, which presumably
would be one of D's targeted domains (aspiring as it
does to be a new systems language).

My interest in dataflow concurrency is more than theory.
I have used it extensively in LabVIEW work.  LabVIEW
gives concurrency for free.  Independent data flows run
concurrently without special instructions.

It appears we must wait for more documentation on Flow
Java.  The point here is that the Java integration job
has been done, not merely talked about.  I expect LtU
will run a feature on it eventually.

May your horizons ever expand and good luck to all-

September 07, 2003
"Mark Evans" <> wrote in message news:bjehpd$1q1n$
> Before I go on permanent vacation from D news,

Why? You're a very valued contributor here!

September 07, 2003
Mark Evans wrote:

> May your horizons ever expand and good luck to all-
> Mark

You have been the major source of our horizons expansion. And i guess that since people forget things, if the horizon doesn't keep expanding, it will automatically contract. :(


September 08, 2003
Thanks so much for all the links and insights.  I wish you the best.


"Mark Evans" <> wrote in message news:bjehpd$1q1n$
> Before I go on permanent vacation from D news, I should
> address the claim that good concurrency in imperative
> languages, specifically Java, is "almost impossible."
> My counterclaim will be Flow Java as cited by
> Peter Van Roy of Mozart/Oz fame (scroll down):
>May your horizons ever expand and good luck to all-
> Mark