September 20, 2003 Symbol Errors in Linker | ||||
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Hello all, I've tried to wrap expat.h and used it in outline.d and got the following, including an unexpected termination in OPTLINK. Thoughts? ######## results ########## digc ./src/outline.d -lib=./lib/libexpat.lib -exe=./bin/outline Searching source for imports. Expanding import libraries... d:\dmd\bin\..\..\dm\bin\link.exe outline,./bin/outline.exe,,user32+kernel32/RC:digc_manifest.res/noi; OPTLINK (R) for Win32 Release 7.50B1 Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001 All Rights Reserved OPTLINK : Warning 9: Unknown Option : OUTLINE.EXE d:\dm\bin\..\lib\SNN.lib(excptlst) Error 1: Previous Definition Different : _end outline.obj(outline) Error 42: Symbol Undefined _XML_GetErrorCode outline.obj(outline) Error 42: Symbol Undefined _XML_ErrorString outline.obj(outline) Error 42: Symbol Undefined _XML_GetCurrentLineNumber outline.obj(outline) Error 42: Symbol Undefined _XML_ParserCreate outline.obj(outline) Error 42: Symbol Undefined _XML_SetElementHandler outline.obj(outline) Error 42: Symbol Undefined _XML_Parse --- errorlevel 1 d:\dmd\bin\dmd.exe -version=WindowsXP ./bin/outline.exe .\src\outline.d -I\dmd\src digc_manifest.res -Idigc_temp --- errorlevel 1 ######################################### outline.d: import c.stdio; import src.expat; import file; import string; const int BUFFSIZE = 8192; int Depth; extern (C) { void start(void *data, char *el, char **attr) { int i; for (i = 0; i < Depth; i++) printf(" "); printf("%.*s", el); for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { printf(" %.*s='%.*s'", attr[i], attr[i + 1]); } printf("\n"); Depth++; } /* End of start handler */ } extern (C) { void end(void *data, char *el) { Depth--; } /* End of end handler */ } int main() { char[] fInput; char[][] inlines; char* buf; int i; int len; int done; // open the input file fInput = cast(char[])"mcs.xml"); // split into lines based on CR inlines=splitlines(fInput); XML_Parser p = XML_ParserCreate(null); if (! p) { printf("Couldn't allocate memory for parser\n"); exit(-1); } XML_SetElementHandler(p, start, end); for (i = 0; i < inlines.length; i++) { buf=string.toStringz(inlines[i][]); len=inlines[i][].length; done=0; if (! XML_Parse(p, buf, len, done)) { printf("Parse error at line %d:\n%.*s\n", XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(p), XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(p))); exit(-1); } } return 0; } /* End of main */ |
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