October 03, 2003

I just wanted to drop a keyword. I stumbled over it when looking for a solution to generate Java and C++ code from the common source. What i stumbled over is this:

--- 8< ---
My goal was aggressive optimization. I wanted to perform was is now known as escape analysis (that'll be 50 cents, please) -- it amounts to finding out which objects can be allocated on the stack and then freed when the method exits.
--- >8 ---

Here are a couple of quick links i found to Escape Analysis. Sorry, i haven't had time to read the docs myself, but i decided i rather drop the links here than forget them. :)

http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/choi99escape.html http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/hill/Papers/abstracts/spoto2002b.html

I'm still not reading the newsgroup.
