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How to catch runtime errors of the C++ standard library with DigitalMars C++ ?
Jan 21, 2004
Rolf Hemmerling
Jan 21, 2004
Scott Michel
Jan 21, 2004
Rolf Hemmerling
Jan 21, 2004
Jan Knepper
Jan 22, 2004
Scott Michel
No success with STLport + "set_terminate" + "runtime_error"
Jan 22, 2004
Rolf Hemmerling
No success with STLport + "set_terminate" + "runtime_error" (2)
Jan 22, 2004
Rolf Hemmerling
Jan 22, 2004
Rolf Hemmerling
Jan 22, 2004
Jan Knepper
No success with STLport + "set_terminate" + "runtime_error" (3)
Jan 22, 2004
Rolf Hemmerling
Jan 22, 2004
Jan Knepper
No success with STLport + "set_terminate" + "runtime_error" (4)
Jan 23, 2004
Rolf Hemmerling
Jan 23, 2004
Scott Michel
Jan 26, 2004
January 21, 2004
Hello !

How to catch runtime errors with DigitalMars C++ ?
There is no
#include <stdexcept>
and nothing similar, but just
#include <eh.h>

The problem is
"Error: undefined identifier 'runtime_error' catch( runtime_error e)"

So the exceptions usually defined in <stdexcept> are not defined for this compiler at all ?!

Is this a lack of feature ? Any workaround to work with standard runtime exceptions ?

See this german example,
if you allocate "1000" MBytes, the runtime error should be catched, by standard exceptions.

Of course I MIGHT throw a user-defined exception.

But if there are no system exceptions with DMC, means that I cannot use portable code for other compilers which depend on this feature ! So I must know for my own development.

Btw, some other C++ exception features like


are just defined in
#include <eh.h>
, not in
#include <exception>
Any reason for that ?


// 6. Beispiel Fehlerbehandlung / Exceptionhandling
// - vorgegebene Exceptions aus der C++-Standardbibliothek
//   definiert in <stdexept>
// Klassenhierarchie:
//  exception <--- bad_cast
//                 bad_alloc
//                 bad_exception
//                 bad_typeid     <--- __non_rtti_object
//                 logic_error    <--- domain_error
//                                     invalid_argument
//                                     length_error
//                                     out_of_range
//                 runtime_error <---- overflow_error
//                                     range_error
//                                     underflow_error

#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;

int main()
   char *buffer;
   int mb;

    // Zu überwachender Block
       cout << "Wieviel MB soll reserviert werden? ";
       cin >> mb;
       buffer = new char[1024*1024*mb];
       if (buffer==NULL)
          throw runtime_error("Geht nicht");
       cout << "Programm läuft weiter ..." << endl;

    // Fehlerbehandlungsroutinen
    catch(runtimeerror e)
       cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
       return 1;
    cout << "Programm fehlerfrei beendet." << endl;
    return 0;
      /   /    / Alone on the data highway...
    /        /   like on an allee in Hannover-Herrenhausen
  /    /   /     The Hemmerling (R) WEB site - Rolf Hemmerling,Germany
/    /   /       http://www.hemmerling.com/

January 21, 2004
Most of DMC++'s "Standard C++ compliance" comes from the STLport package. If you add "-I\dm\stlport\stlport" to your compile command line, your problems should be solved.

Note: change "\dm" to the top directory where you installed DMC.


Rolf Hemmerling wrote:

> Hello !
> How to catch runtime errors with DigitalMars C++ ?
> There is no
> #include <stdexcept>
> and nothing similar, but just
> #include <eh.h>
> The problem is
> "Error: undefined identifier 'runtime_error' catch( runtime_error e)"
> So the exceptions usually defined in <stdexcept> are not defined for this compiler at all ?!
> Is this a lack of feature ? Any workaround to work with standard runtime exceptions ?
> See this german example,
> if you allocate "1000" MBytes, the runtime error should be catched, by
> standard exceptions.
> Of course I MIGHT throw a user-defined exception.
> But if there are no system exceptions with DMC, means that I cannot use portable code for other compilers which depend on this feature ! So I must know for my own development.
> Btw, some other C++ exception features like
> set_terminate()
> and
> set_unexpected()
> are just defined in
> #include <eh.h>
> , not in
> #include <exception>
> :-(
> Any reason for that ?
> Sincerely
> Rolf
> // 6. Beispiel Fehlerbehandlung / Exceptionhandling
> // - vorgegebene Exceptions aus der C++-Standardbibliothek
> //   definiert in <stdexept>
> // Klassenhierarchie:
> //  exception <--- bad_cast
> //                 bad_alloc
> //                 bad_exception
> //                 bad_typeid     <--- __non_rtti_object
> //                 logic_error    <--- domain_error
> //                                     invalid_argument
> //                                     length_error
> //                                     out_of_range
> //                 runtime_error <---- overflow_error
> //                                     range_error
> //                                     underflow_error
> #include <iostream>
> #include <stdexcept>
> using namespace std;
> int main()
> {
>     char *buffer;
>     int mb;
>      // Zu überwachender Block
>      try
>      {
>         cout << "Wieviel MB soll reserviert werden? ";
>         cin >> mb;
>         buffer = new char[1024*1024*mb];
>         if (buffer==NULL)
>            throw runtime_error("Geht nicht");
>         cout << "Programm läuft weiter ..." << endl;
>      }
>      // Fehlerbehandlungsroutinen
>      catch(runtimeerror e)
>      {
>         cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
>         return 1;
>      }
>      cout << "Programm fehlerfrei beendet." << endl;
>      return 0;
> }

January 21, 2004
Hello !

This missing feature is a feature of the standard library!
So the STL **Template** library does not help.

I just found out that other "old" compilers lack of the feature, too., like "Microsoft VC++ 4.0" ( which has basic support for exceptions, in opposite yet older 16-bit versions ).

In opposite, OpenWatcom and BCC 5.5 support the feature.

Any other suggestions ?


      /   /    / Alone on the data highway...
    /        /   like on an allee in Hannover-Herrenhausen
  /    /   /     The Hemmerling (R) WEB site - Rolf Hemmerling,Germany
/    /   /       http://www.hemmerling.com/

January 21, 2004
Rolf Hemmerling wrote:
> Hello !
> This missing feature is a feature of the standard library!
> So the STL **Template** library does not help.

I think STLport is quite a bit more than just STL..

Jan Knepper

But as for me and my household, we shall use Mozilla... www.mozilla.org
January 22, 2004
Rolf Hemmerling wrote:

> Hello !
> This missing feature is a feature of the standard library! So the STL **Template** library does not help.

The STLport is a ***LOT*** more than just STL templates. The STLport library has a lot of "extra" headers that help the compiler environment conform to standard C++.

The current DMC++ design relies on STLport to provide this additional layer of conformity, rather than reinvent the compiler's header files to achieve conformity. I could be wrong, but that's my impression based on compiling my code that relies on standard C++ iostream.

January 22, 2004
Hello !

I found out

is mentioned in the file


and "runtime_error"

is mentioned in the file


but if I try to compile with "(installpath)dm\stlport\stlport",
I still get the error messages that the compiler does not find "set_terminate()" and "runtime_error" !

Any suggestions ?


      /   /    / Alone on the data highway...
    /        /   like on an allee in Hannover-Herrenhausen
  /    /   /     The Hemmerling (R) WEB site - Rolf Hemmerling,Germany
/    /   /       http://www.hemmerling.com/

January 22, 2004
Hello !

I wanted to say, that including

#include <stdexcept>
#include <exception>
did not help, although these are "the" exception header files for STLport !! :-(.


      /   /    / Alone on the data highway...
    /        /   like on an allee in Hannover-Herrenhausen
  /    /   /     The Hemmerling (R) WEB site - Rolf Hemmerling,Germany
/    /   /       http://www.hemmerling.com/

January 22, 2004
MOre clearly:

I used the example from the tread start and added
#include <stdexcept>
#include <exception>

in the file,
while I put the directory of STLPORT at the first position of the include path string, and the compiler even did not find



So what's wrong with me ?

Must I use special namespaces for use with STL ??

Please help, if you can!
I am a newbie to C++, btw ( but with some C and some Java experience ).

      /   /    / Alone on the data highway...
    /        /   like on an allee in Hannover-Herrenhausen
  /    /   /     The Hemmerling (R) WEB site - Rolf Hemmerling,Germany
/    /   /       http://www.hemmerling.com/

January 22, 2004
Can you post the message? I wonder whether it is the compiler or the linker that can not find the stuff you mention.

Rolf Hemmerling wrote:
> MOre clearly:
> I used the example from the tread start and added
> #include <stdexcept>
> #include <exception>
> in the file,
> while I put the directory of STLPORT at the first position of the include path string, and the compiler even did not find
> set_terminate()
> runtime_error
> :-(
> So what's wrong with me ?
> Must I use special namespaces for use with STL ??
> Please help, if you can!
> I am a newbie to C++, btw ( but with some C and some Java experience ).
> Sincerely
> Rolf

Jan Knepper

But as for me and my household, we shall use Mozilla... www.mozilla.org
January 22, 2004
Hello !

At first, my starting-C++ project is a multi-compiler project.
So with the "same" very-complicated makefile and a common header file,

I succeeded with OTHER compilers to include those header files which contain the definitions for "set_terminate()" and "runtime_errror".

For example, with OpenWatcom, this

class _WPRTLINK runtime_error : public exception {
    runtime_error( string const& what_arg ) _WCTHROWS(())
        : exception( what_arg ) {

defines the "runtime_error" in the proper header files,
which I did not find with MingW, MS VC++4.0 and DMC !

So if I include
#include <stdexcept>
#include <exception>
, these files ARE found by the compiler, nethertheless they don´t contain the proper information to support "set_terminate()" and "runtime_error" ( as I said, this is **standard library stuff", as the actions of the standard libarary operations are controlled by try..catch with "runtime_error" ect.

here are the error messages:

    set_terminate( exitus );
..\..\src\data\exception\Exception.cpp(153) : Error: undefined identifier 'set_terminate'
    set_unexpected( wasIstLos );
..\..\src\data\exception\Exception.cpp(217) : Error: undefined identifier 'set_unexpected'
          throw runtime_error ("Geht nicht");

So if I setup the right include path, the include files are found, but are not sufficent.

So I think that the STLlib does NOT help with "set_terminate()" and "runtime_error" :-(.

Support for "set_terminate()" is by
#include <eh.h>
of the standard non-STL include files,
, but there is no support for "runtime_error" ? :-(.

Any suggestions ?


      /   /    / Alone on the data highway...
    /        /   like on an allee in Hannover-Herrenhausen
  /    /   /     The Hemmerling (R) WEB site - Rolf Hemmerling,Germany
/    /   /       http://www.hemmerling.com/

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