Thread overview
Digital Mars and Fltk
Jan 26, 2004
Karol Gottan
Jan 26, 2004
Jan 27, 2004
Karol Gottan
Jan 28, 2004
Jan 28, 2004
Karol Gottan
Jan 28, 2004
Jan 28, 2004
Karol Gottan
January 26, 2004

I am trying to cmpile Fltk GUI (
using DMC, but I am getting some errors.

One of them is a problem with overloaded
functions like :

src\Fl_Pixmap.cxx(52) : Error: ambiguous reference to symbol
Had: fl_measure_pixmap(char *const *, int &, int &)
and: fl_measure_pixmap(char const *const *, int &, int &)
    fl_draw_pixmap(data(), 0, 0, FL_BLACK);


src\Fl_Pixmap.cxx(87) : Error: ambiguous reference to symbol
Had: fl_draw_pixmap(char *const *, int, int, int enum Fl_Color)
and: fl_draw_pixmap(char const *const *, int, int, int enum Fl_Color)

Is there a quick solution for this kind of errors ?
(I am rather lammer in C++).


Karol Gottan

January 26, 2004
"Karol Gottan" <> wrote in message news:bv2v0h$937$
> Hi,
> I am trying to cmpile Fltk GUI (
> using DMC, but I am getting some errors.
> One of them is a problem with overloaded
> functions like :
> -------
> src\Fl_Pixmap.cxx(52) : Error: ambiguous reference to symbol
> Had: fl_measure_pixmap(char *const *, int &, int &)
> and: fl_measure_pixmap(char const *const *, int &, int &)
>     fl_draw_pixmap(data(), 0, 0, FL_BLACK);
> -------

Try casting the arguments to the types for the particular function you want to call.

January 27, 2004
<> wrote :
> "Karol Gottan" <> wrote in message news:bv2v0h$937$
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to cmpile Fltk GUI (
>> using DMC, but I am getting some errors.
>> One of them is a problem with overloaded
>> functions like :
>> -------
>> src\Fl_Pixmap.cxx(52) : Error: ambiguous reference to symbol
>> Had: fl_measure_pixmap(char *const *, int &, int &)
>> and: fl_measure_pixmap(char const *const *, int &, int &)
>>     fl_draw_pixmap(data(), 0, 0, FL_BLACK);
>> -------
> Try casting the arguments to the types for the particular function you want to call.

That was the first step I tried.
But it does not help with DMC.
Not with this overloading type :

int draw(      char* const* data, int x, int y);
int draw(const char* const* data, int x, int y);

In this case casting does not work in DMC.



January 28, 2004
"Karol Gottan" <> wrote in message news:bv6fn2$jo$
> <> wrote :
> > "Karol Gottan" <> wrote in message news:bv2v0h$937$
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I am trying to cmpile Fltk GUI (
> >> using DMC, but I am getting some errors.
> >>
> >> One of them is a problem with overloaded
> >> functions like :
> >>
> >> -------
> >> src\Fl_Pixmap.cxx(52) : Error: ambiguous reference to symbol
> >> Had: fl_measure_pixmap(char *const *, int &, int &)
> >> and: fl_measure_pixmap(char const *const *, int &, int &)
> >>     fl_draw_pixmap(data(), 0, 0, FL_BLACK);
> >> -------
> >
> > Try casting the arguments to the types for the particular function you want to call.
> That was the first step I tried.
> But it does not help with DMC.
> Not with this overloading type :
> int draw(      char* const* data, int x, int y);
> int draw(const char* const* data, int x, int y);
> In this case casting does not work in DMC.

Can you give a complete code snippet illustrating the problem?

January 28, 2004
Walter wrote:

> Can you give a complete code snippet illustrating the problem?

Something like this one :

#include <stdio.h>

class foo {
  explicit foo(      char * const * D) {};
  explicit foo(const char * const * D) {};

  int draw(      char * const * data, int x, int y);
  int draw(const char * const * data, int x, int y);

int foo::draw(char * const * data, int x, int y) {
  return draw( (const char * const * )data, x, y );

int foo::draw(const char * const * data, int x, int y) {
  return 1;

static const char *broken[] =
  "16 24 4 1",
  "@ c #000000",

static foo bar( (const char * const * )broken );

int main(int argv, char **arvc) {
  bar.draw( broken, 0, 0 );
  return 0;




January 28, 2004
Ok. To work around, I suggest commenting out the declaration not needed. Thanks, -Walter

January 28, 2004
<> wrote :
> Ok. To work around, I suggest commenting out the declaration not needed.

That's what I did. And I have to say I am after a successfull compilation of Fltk now. Works great.

Many thanks.

