February 17, 2004
     I have a module that has static constructor and destructor. If I link my application with object file then everything is working ok (constructor and destructor are called as expected). But if I use lib to make library out of that module object file and then link my application with such a library then constructor and destructor are not called! I am using latest dmd and dm packages (dmd 0.79, dmc 8.38, lib 8.00n) for Windows.

   Here is small example of what I am doing (maybe I am doing something wrong since these are my first steps in D):

--- a.d ---
import b;

void main() { printf("Done\n"); }

--- b.d ---
static this() { printf("constructor\n"); }
static ~this() { printf("destructor\n"); }

Now, if I make a.exe with
dmd a.d b.d

or even with
dmd -c b.d
dmd a.d b.obj

everything is as expected.

But if I use:
lib -c test.lib b.obj (or equivalent lib test.lib /c +b,,)
dmd a.d test.lib

then application is linked without errors but when it is started constructor and destructor are not called - again without any errors!

July 17, 2004
The problem here is that there's nothing the linker sees that pulls in b.obj, since nothing in a.obj references it.