February 25, 2004
Alright, so I'm implementing a class called Queue (Bet you can't guess what that
one does!).  Anyways,
Queue inherits from a class called Array, which provides an Object[] member
variable and appropriate
accessor methods.  It also implements the Enqueue interface which defines push()
and pop() methods.

Until now, Queue has only handle Objects.  But now I've been trying to had
support for primitve types
by means of templating.  However, I've hit a snag.

If I instantiate a Queue!(char[]), I need it to inherit from Array!(char[])
instead of Array!(Object).  Also, it
needs to implement Enqueue!(char[]) instead of Enqueue!(Object).  Is there a
syntax to do this?  And if
so, what is it?


February 25, 2004
Try this:

template Queue(T) {
    class Queue : Array!(T) {}