May 06, 2004
I see in the docs that static initialiser order is undefined, but this does lead
to some problems, Java defines that a static initialiser will be run before the
Class is referenced, how long before is not defined :)
this means that the only order that is important is the order relating to static
initialisers that use other classes (circular refs could cause compiler error).
for example I have been trying to solve the typeinfo problem with a templated
set of classes thus;

import std.c.stdio;

class Foo {

template typename( T : char ) {
const char[] name = "char";

template typename( T : int ) {
const char[] name = "int";

template typename( T : Object ) {
//	const char[] name =;
char[] name;
static this() {
printf( "typename(%.*s){\n", );
name =;
printf( "name=%.*s\n}\n", name );
static char[] getname() { return; }

template typename( T : T[] ) {
//	const char[] name = typename!(T).name;
char[] name;
static this() {
char[] tname = typename!(T).name;
name = "(" ~ tname ~ ")[]";
printf( "name=%.*s\n{\n", name );
public static char[] getname() { return typename!(T).getname()~"[]"; }

template show(T) {
void show( T t ) {
TypeInfo ti;
ClassInfo ci;

ti = t.typeinfo;
ci = t.classinfo;

printf("%.*s.typeinfo = 0x%x:%.*s\n",, cast(int)cast(void*)ti,
ti.toString() );
void showclass() {
TypeInfo ti;
ClassInfo ci;

ti = T.typeinfo;
ci = T.classinfo;

printf("%.*s.typeinfo = 0x%x:%.*s\n",, cast(int)cast(void*)ti,
ti.toString() );

template named( T ) {
alias typename!(T).name name;
void show( T t ) {
TypeInfo ti;

ti = t.typeinfo;

printf("%.*s.typeinfo = 0x%x:%.*s\n", name, cast(int)cast(void*)ti,
ti.toString() );
void showclass() {
TypeInfo ti;

ti = T.typeinfo;

printf("%.*s.typeinfo = 0x%x:%.*s\n", name, cast(int)cast(void*)ti,
ti.toString() );

int main( char[][] args ) {
Foo f = new Foo();
show!(Foo).show( f );

named!(int).show( 1 );

printf( "typename!(Foo[]).getname=%.*s\n", typename!(Foo[]).getname );
printf( "typename!(Foo[][]).getname=%.*s\n", typename!(Foo[][]).getname );
// 	named!(Foo[][]).showclass();

// 	named!(int[]).showclass();
//	named!(int[]).show( new int[4] );

return 0;

even though template typename(T:Object) is defined in the file before
typename(T:T[]) typename(T:Object).name is not set when used from
obvious workaround is lazy property
name() { if (_name) return _name; return _name = typename(T).getname~"[]"; }
private char[]_name;