Thread overview
std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl fails
Jun 04, 2004
Aneesh Dalvi
Jun 04, 2004
Jerry van Dijk
Jun 05, 2004
Aneesh Dalvi
Jun 05, 2004
Jerry van Dijk
June 04, 2004
Does anyone know why the following code fails with the DMC compiler?

std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl;

This works with GCC and MSVC++.

__FUNCTION__ seems to be recognized by DMC, but still the code does not compile.


June 04, 2004
"Aneesh Dalvi" <> writes:

> Does anyone know why the following code fails with the DMC compiler?
> std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl;

It works here with 8.38n and using stlport 4.5.3:

 Volume in drive D is WorkDisk
 Volume Serial Number is 883F-94F1

 Directory of D:\work

05-06-2004  00:20       <DIR>          .
05-06-2004  00:20       <DIR>          ..
05-06-2004  00:13                   97 check.cpp
               1 File(s)             97 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  15.658.946.560 bytes free

D:\work>cat check.cpp
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
        cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl;

D:\work>dmc check.cpp
link check,,,user32+kernel32/noi;

 Volume in drive D is WorkDisk
 Volume Serial Number is 883F-94F1

 Directory of D:\work

05-06-2004  00:20       <DIR>          .
05-06-2004  00:20       <DIR>          ..
05-06-2004  00:13                   97 check.cpp
05-06-2004  00:20              361.500 check.exe
05-06-2004  00:20                2.204
05-06-2004  00:20               28.275 check.obj
               4 File(s)        392.076 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  15.658.549.248 bytes free


Also checking if I have setup news properly :-)

--  Jerry van Dijk
--  Leiden, Holland
June 05, 2004
Yes, this works:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
    return 0;

However, this does not:

#include <iostream>

class test {
  test() { std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl; }

int main() {
    test x;
    return 0;

C:\projects>c:\dm\bin\dmc -cpp -Ic:\dm\stlport\stlport : Error: expression expected : Warning 6: value of expression is not used
--- errorlevel 1

- aneesh

"Jerry van Dijk" <> wrote in message
> "Aneesh Dalvi" <> writes:
> > Does anyone know why the following code fails with the DMC compiler?
> >
> > std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
> It works here with 8.38n and using stlport 4.5.3:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> D:\work>dir
>  Volume in drive D is WorkDisk
>  Volume Serial Number is 883F-94F1
>  Directory of D:\work
> 05-06-2004  00:20       <DIR>          .
> 05-06-2004  00:20       <DIR>          ..
> 05-06-2004  00:13                   97 check.cpp
>                1 File(s)             97 bytes
>                2 Dir(s)  15.658.946.560 bytes free
> D:\work>cat check.cpp
> #include <iostream>
> using namespace std;
> int main()
> {
>         cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl;
> }
> D:\work>dmc check.cpp
> link check,,,user32+kernel32/noi;
> D:\work>dir
>  Volume in drive D is WorkDisk
>  Volume Serial Number is 883F-94F1
>  Directory of D:\work
> 05-06-2004  00:20       <DIR>          .
> 05-06-2004  00:20       <DIR>          ..
> 05-06-2004  00:13                   97 check.cpp
> 05-06-2004  00:20              361.500 check.exe
> 05-06-2004  00:20                2.204
> 05-06-2004  00:20               28.275 check.obj
>                4 File(s)        392.076 bytes
>                2 Dir(s)  15.658.549.248 bytes free
> D:\work>check
> main
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Also checking if I have setup news properly :-)
> -- 
> --  Jerry van Dijk
> --  Leiden, Holland

June 05, 2004
"Aneesh Dalvi" <> writes:

> However, this does not:
> #include <iostream>
> class test {
> public:
>   test() { std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl; }
> };
> int main() {
>     test x;
>     return 0;
> }

Even worse, this does:
#include <iostream>

class test {
  inline test();
  inline ~test();

test::test() {
  std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
}  inline ~test();

test::~test() {
  std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl;

int main() {
  test x;

Since the dmc docs say:

|     Same as __FUNC__. Provided for Gnu CC compatibility.

it could be a bug if "Gnu CC" is also intended to mean gcc c++.

Note also that the output of __FUNCTION__ differs from gcc:

gcc prints:             dmc prints:
  test                    test::test
  ~test                   test::~test

--  Jerry van Dijk
--  Leiden, Holland