October 14, 2004
<alert comment="newbie">

On the documentation page: http://www.digitalmars.com/d/overview.html

Compile Time Checks
* Stronger type checking
* Explicit initialization required
* Unused local variables not allowed
* No empty ; for loop bodies
* Assignments do not yield boolean results
* Deprecating of obsolete API's

As of dmd ver 0.102, it seems like the compiler actually does allow unused local variables and applies implicit initialization to local variables.

#void main ()
#  int unused;   // compiler should complain?
#  int result;
#  int uninitialized;  // implicitly initialized to 0
#  result = uninitialized;  // compiler should complain?


October 19, 2004
Looks like a bug in the documentation. I'll fix it.