December 02, 2004
Calling a function with a variadic argument list (with D linkage) that contains
a bit array (either dynamic or static) does not work and produces the following

undefined reference to `_init_11TypeInfo_Ab'

I'm sure there's a generic form to that mangled name, but that's what I get speficially.  That error appears on the function call itself, with an incorrect line number.  I know it's on the call because it tells me what function the error is in, and its the one with the call.

December 02, 2004
On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 02:48:13 +0000 (UTC), James Dunne <> wrote:

> Calling a function with a variadic argument list (with D linkage) that contains
> a bit array (either dynamic or static) does not work and produces the following
> output:
> undefined reference to `_init_11TypeInfo_Ab'
> I'm sure there's a generic form to that mangled name, but that's what I get
> speficially.  That error appears on the function call itself, with an incorrect
> line number.  I know it's on the call because it tells me what function the
> error is in, and its the one with the call.

Ab is array of bits mangled (duh :D).

I'm surprised Walter included bit arrays, IMCSO (In My Completley
Stupid Opinion) they're nothing but trouble.
<goes off grumbling about compliler writers these days...>

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