January 10, 2005
This works:

class A

class B : A

void main()
    B b=new B;
    A a=cast(A)b;

Change main() to this, however:

void main()
    B b=new B;

And it flags it as an error.

This also makes it impossible to do something like:

void fork(inout A a)

void main()
    B b=new B;
    fork(b);  // explicitly casting doesn't work either

It also has this problem if A is an interface.

January 11, 2005
Added to DStress as

http://dstress.kuehne.cn/run/cast_08.d http://dstress.kuehne.cn/run/cast_09.d http://dstress.kuehne.cn/run/cast_10.d
