January 15, 2005
Yow, lads and lasses.

I tried to write a script program to convert C/C++ headers into D, but failed. You know, many guys trying so. This seems another critical task for us.

Do you have any standard method to reuse C/C++ headers?

Is there a flexible and perfect lexical analyzer with extendable multi-status, whose internal tables we can change at run-time? Can XML help us?

Yours Faithfully,

January 15, 2005
CrazyJapG-ManKiller wrote:

> I tried to write a script program to convert C/C++ headers into D, but failed.
> You know, many guys trying so. This seems another critical task for us.

There are a few "hints" at http://www.digitalmars.com/d/htomodule.html,
as well as a note at http://www.digitalmars.com/d/dcompiler.html#general

> Bugs
> These are some of the major bugs:
>     * Need to write a tool to convert C .h files into D imports.

There are a few projects, such as http://www.dsource.org/projects/h2d/
and the ones at http://svn.dsource.org/svn/projects/bindings/trunk/

> Do you have any standard method to reuse C/C++ headers?

I didn't have much luck with the h2d requirements (boost, stl)
so I wrote my own little Perl hack with the most common ones...


It's not very clever, and needs a lot of cleaning up afterwards.
But I've used it to convert the entire OpenGL and SDL headers...


D also needs a tool to convert regular modules into "import modules",
such as the ones used by e.g. the Phobos runtime code (and others)

Import module: object.d
Implementation module: internal/object.d

The import module only has stubs for linking, not the code:

> class Object
> {
>     void print();
>     char[] toString();
>     uint toHash();
>     int opCmp(Object o);
>     int opEquals(Object o);
> }

Which makes it similar to a header file, in terms of usage...
So that you can ship just the interface, but not the source ?

Maybe this little snippet would do: perl -pe 's/\{.*?\}/;/s'
