October 08, 2022


I noticed:


void[] opSlice();
Returns entire file contents as an array.

void[] opSlice(ulong i1, ulong i2);
Returns slice of file contents as an array.

ubyte opIndex(ulong i);
Returns byte at index i in file.

Should the type of opSlice() be ubyte to be consistent as opIndex()?

October 08, 2022

On 10/8/22 4:50 PM, mw wrote:



I noticed:


void[] opSlice();
Returns entire file contents as an array.

void[] opSlice(ulong i1, ulong i2);
Returns slice of file contents as an array.

ubyte opIndex(ulong i);
Returns byte at index i in file.

Should the type of opSlice() be ubyte to be consistent as opIndex()?

Yes. But I feel like this was brought up before and rejected...
