February 22, 2005
I have a script "helper.exe" that I would like to put in the startup folder of my windows xp operating sys so that it runs indefinitely whenever my computer starts up.  However, a console pops up and is there as along as the program is running.  Is there a way for the program to run the way that I have described without the console showing?

Thank you,

btw -- Thank you Jack, for the icmp.lib.

February 22, 2005
You need to set the SUBSYSTEM to WINDOWS (it's CONSOLE by default).
If you have only one source file, you can compile it by passing the /SU:WINDOWS
switch to linker like this:
dmc -L/SU:WINDOWS helper.c

If you have more than 1 source file, you need to compile your sources without
auto linking by adding the -c switch and link them manually:
dmc -c helper.c
dmc -c anothersource.c
link /SU:WINDOWS helper.obj anothersource.obj

In article <cveeic$1p25$1@digitaldaemon.com>, david says...
>I have a script "helper.exe" that I would like to put in the startup folder of my windows xp operating sys so that it runs indefinitely whenever my computer starts up.  However, a console pops up and is there as along as the program is running.  Is there a way for the program to run the way that I have described without the console showing?
>Thank you,
>btw -- Thank you Jack, for the icmp.lib.