February 24, 2020
Just realized, while looking at my pipeline, that the nightlies haven't been updated for a while.

$ ~/dlang/install.sh dmd-nightly
Downloading and unpacking http://downloads.dlang.org/nightlies/dmd-master-2020-01-28/dmd.master.osx.tar.xz

So almost a month it seems.
June 26, 2021

On Monday, 24 February 2020 at 03:31:58 UTC, Mathias Lang wrote:


Just realized, while looking at my pipeline, that the nightlies haven't been updated for a while.

[Answering to this old thread because it's one of the first search results]

The current nightlies are published as GitHub releases of DMD.
These builds can also be installed via install.sh or setup-dlang.