October 06

I am search for a fast 128bit integer ucent boolfilter, used for server side duplicate request filter.

I can seed there is https://github.com/MartinNowak/bloom, only accept size_t as key.

Is there some library support 128bit integer boolfilter ? C or C++ or rust is ok for me.

Is 128bit boolfilter a doable thing? or it will not work or will be much more slow compare to 64 bit solution?

October 10

On Friday, 6 October 2023 at 13:44:14 UTC, d007 wrote:


I am search for a fast 128bit integer ucent boolfilter, used for server side duplicate request filter.

Is 128bit boolfilter a doable thing? or it will not work or will be much more slow compare to 64 bit solution?

Can you describe or give a reference to what you mean by bool filter?