March 12, 2005

I want to forbid for some of my classes to be instantiated on the stack - because the constructor stores the this pointer immediately in a searchable static container and the objects need to keep alive for most of the duration of the program.

Are there any ideomatic means of doing that?

If that's not a oneliner, i would think that this might be a valuable addition to stlsoft libraries.

March 12, 2005
Hide the ctor and use a Create method (with the same signature as the ctor). I use this fairly regularly.

Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to get a workable generic version with the current language, due to the hassles with const/pointer/reference/value differences with argument forwarding (as described in Chapter 23 of your copy of IC++).

The upside is that it is a nice point at which to introduce shims into the construction process, which can simplify client code a great deal. Here's a snippet from a recent project (with names changed to protect client's IP):

    class BaseClass;

    . . .

    class Auditor;
    class Handler;

    . . .

    typedef ::stlsoft::shared_ptr<BaseClass>    BaseClass_ptr;

    . . .

    class SomeClass
        : public BaseClass
    /// \name Types
    /// @{
        typedef BaseClass   parent_class_type;
        typedef SomeClass   class_type;
    /// @}

    /// \name Construction
    /// @{
        /// Default constructor
        SomeClass(  Handler     *handler
                ,   char const  *processIdentity
                ,   char const  *channelIdentity
                ,   char const  *auditPoint
                ,   Auditor     &auditor);
        /// Destructor

        static BaseClass_ptr    CreateInstance( Handler     *handler
                                            ,   char const
                                            ,   char const
                                            ,   char const  *auditPoint
                                            ,   Auditor     &auditor);

        template <typename S1, typename S2, typename S3>
        static BaseClass_ptr    CreateInstance( Handler     *handler
                                            ,   S1 const
                                            ,   S2 const
                                            ,   S3 const    &auditPoint
                                            ,   Auditor     &auditor)
            return class_type::CreateInstance(  handler
                                            ,   auditor);
    /// @}

    . . .


Thus, one can call CreateInstance() with any types for which string access shims are defined and available.

In this case, the instance is passed into a shared_ptr, but this 'idiom' (if it qualifies as an idiom) works just as well returning pointers, should that be appropriate.

"Ilya Minkov" <> wrote in message news:d0v9cl$1i3$
> Hello.
> I want to forbid for some of my classes to be instantiated on the stack - because the constructor stores the this pointer immediately in a searchable static container and the objects need to keep alive for most of the duration of the program.
> Are there any ideomatic means of doing that?
> If that's not a oneliner, i would think that this might be a valuable addition to stlsoft libraries.
> -eye