March 27, 2005
Is it not possible to use deprecated keywords such as "instance" as identifiers? I get the following errors:

    semicolon expected, not 'instance'
    TemplateIdentifier expected following instance
    identifier expected following '.', not 'instance'

And I'm not compiling with the /d option. If a reserved word becomes deprecated, surely it's no longer reserved?

April 05, 2005
John C wrote:
> Is it not possible to use deprecated keywords such as "instance" as identifiers? I get the following errors:
>     semicolon expected, not 'instance'
>     TemplateIdentifier expected following instance
>     identifier expected following '.', not 'instance'
> And I'm not compiling with the /d option. If a reserved word becomes deprecated, surely it's no longer reserved? 

How would the compiler know, in the general case, whether you intended to use the deprecated keyword as itself or as an identifier?

Even when the syntax using the keyword is not valid if it's used as an identifier, to allow it would create a parsing nightmare.

The keyword has to be still reserved.  Unreserving it would mean removing it from the language completely, not just deprecating it.


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