September 19, 2005
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18th Sep 2005 : STLSoft 1.8.6 => 1.8.7


- bug fixes
- introduction of a few new components
- lots more movement of old=>new style headers, e.g. atlstl_string_access.h

New sub-projects:


Sub-project versions:

 ACESTL         1.0.3  =>  1.0.4
 ATLSTL         1.4.2  =>  1.4.3
 COMSTL         1.5.3  =>  1.5.4
 .netSTL        1.2.1  =>  1.2.1
 InetSTL        1.1.2  =>  1.1.3
 PlatformSTL    1.0.1  =>  1.1.2
 RangeLib       1.0.2  =>  1.0.3
 MFCSTL         1.3.1  =>  1.4.2
 UNIXSTL        1.4.1  =>  1.5.1
 WinSTL         1.6.4  =>  1.7.1
 WinSTL         1.1.1  =>  1.1.2

Significant changes:

 STLSoft main project

 ~ minor changes with respect to library-internal pre-processor symbols
 ~ fixes for compiler compatibility
 ~ stlsoft::select_first_type renamed to stlsoft::select_first_type_if
 ~ fixed arrays (stlsoft/fixed_array.hpp) now support copy construction
 ~ strong NULL (stlsoft/null.hpp) fixes
 ~ stlsoft::ref_ptr (stlsoft/ref_ptr.hpp) fixes:
    + close() method, which performs premature release of the reference
    ~ operator !() fixed
 + new stlsoft::skip_iterator (stlsoft/skip_iterator.hpp) - NOTE: THIS
    CLASS TEMPLATE IS IN ALPHA FORM ONLY. It _will_ change in the next
 ~ fixes to string_concatenation_iterator
 + string_view and wstring_view typedefs for stlsoft::basic_string_view

 ACESTL project

 ~ minor changes with respect to library-internal pre-processor symbols

 ATLSTL project

 ~ movement of headers from root directory to atlstl/ subdirectory
 ~ minor changes with respect to library-internal pre-processor symbols

 COMSTL project

 ~ movement of headers from root directory to atlstl/ subdirectory
 ~ minor changes with respect to library-internal pre-processor symbols

 .netSTL project

 ~ movement of headers from root directory to atlstl/ subdirectory
 ~ minor changes with respect to library-internal pre-processor symbols

 InetSTL project

 ~ minor changes with respect to library-internal pre-processor symbols

 MFCSTL project

 ~ minor changes with respect to library-internal pre-processor symbols

 PlatformSTL project

 ~ minor changes with respect to library-internal pre-processor symbols
 ~ fixes for compiler compatibility

 RangeLib project

 ~ minor changes with respect to library-internal pre-processor symbols

 UNIXSTL project

 + unixstl::readdir_sequence (unixstl/readdir_sequence.hpp) now supports:
    + fullPath and absolutePath flags
    + constructor uses string access shims for directory
    + get_flags() method
    ~ const_iterator now specifies void and value_type to std::iterator
      for pointer and reference types
    ~ two small bugs fixed (wrt flags in copy and default constructors)
    ~ now handles readdir() properly (setting errno to 0 before call)
 + unixstl::glob_sequence (unixstl/glob_sequence.hpp) now supports:
    + breakOnError, noEscape, matchPeriod, bracePatterns, expandTilde
    + constructor uses string access shims for directory and pattern
    + constructor now accepts NULL or empty string for directory, and
      interprets it as current directory
 ~ considerable refactoring of unixstl::filesystem_traits
 + added two new functions: create_directory_recurse() and
    remove_directory_recurse() (unixstl/directory_functions.hpp)
 + addition of grow() method to unixstl::basic_file_path_buffer
 ~ movement of headers from root directory to atlstl/ subdirectory
 ~ minor changes with respect to library-internal pre-processor symbols

 WinSTL project

 + added new functions: remove_directory_recurse()
 + new functions winstl::open_file_read_shared(),
 ~ considerable refactoring of winstl::filesystem_traits
 + winstl::basic_findfile_sequence (winstl/findfile_sequence.hpp):
    + now supports the skipReparseDirs flag.
 ~ now validates directories
 + winstl::pid_sequence (winstl/pid_sequence.hpp) now supports elideIdle,
    elideSystem and sort flags
 ~ bug fix for winstl::basic_error_desc (winstl_error_desc.h)
 ~ bug fix for winstl::GetConsoleWindow() (winstl_functions.h)
 ~ winstl::zorder_iterator (winstl/zorder_iterator.hpp) now specifies void
    HWND to std::iterator for pointer and reference types