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Visual D with dub causes rebuild of project every time
Sep 08, 2023
Sep 08, 2023
Sep 08, 2023
Sep 24, 2023
September 08, 2023

I used dub to create a visual studio project. When compiling it rebuilds all dependencies every time making the compilation very slow(using vibe.d basic example).

Why is it doing this?

September 08, 2023

On Friday, 8 September 2023 at 06:41:47 UTC, Joe wrote:


I used dub to create a visual studio project. When compiling it rebuilds all dependencies every time making the compilation very slow(using vibe.d basic example).

Why is it doing this?

And now when I just save a file after making a change Visual studio simply crashes ;/ This might be because I was running the exe independently of VS. I closed it out, opened VS and edited the file and saved it and it rebuilt everything. Nope... worked the first time.

All I can say is that try to create a dub protect using vide.d and see if it behaves like this. Doesn't take long for it to start acting up. Sometimes works sometimes doesn't.

September 08, 2023

On Friday, 8 September 2023 at 06:41:47 UTC, Joe wrote:


I used dub to create a visual studio project. When compiling it rebuilds all dependencies every time making the compilation very slow(using vibe.d basic example).

Why is it doing this?

So, the issue is intellisense. The edits I was changing was to add a '.'. When I typed the . it would crash VS. At some point I was able to get intellisense and then it stopped working and VS started crashing and I simply stopped using intellisense but then when I was adding a . in a string it started crashing too.

I disabled the "intellisense from semantic analysis" and it doesn't crash. I'm still not getting any intellisense though.

Seems like some bug in semantic analysis and intellisense. I've noticed when I type the . I end up with the red squiggles under things like if statements and other keywords and stuff in the code then it crashes. I deleted debug files and rebuild but same issue.

dub init -t vibe.d
dub generate visuald

September 24, 2023

On Friday, 8 September 2023 at 19:41:11 UTC, Joe wrote:


On Friday, 8 September 2023 at 06:41:47 UTC, Joe wrote:



So, the issue is intellisense. The edits I was changing was to add a '.'. When I typed the . it would crash VS. At some point I was able to get intellisense and then it stopped working and VS started crashing and I simply stopped using intellisense but then when I was adding a . in a string it started crashing too.


I see there are some changes made to VisualD but I don't know when the next release will be.