January 13, 2006
I just had a reader (who's also a friend) email me with a +ve response regarding my article on String Views in Jan's CUJ: "A View To A String, part 1" (http://www.cuj.com/documents/s=8188/cuj0601wilson/0601wilson.html)

As many of you know, CUJ has ceased publication, so the follow up instalments won't be available in CUJ. However, I'm planning on including them in my online column (http://www.ddj.com/columns/wilson/) over the next few months.

I'm intending to cover applications to which string views have been put - my friend uses them in a compiler implementation - and also quantifying the performance benefits.

I'll be more than happy to credit anyone who wants to volunteer any such information.



January 14, 2006
That would be me.  As the compiler deals strictly with memory-mapped files, it seemed silly to work with copies of the string data when it could be referenced directly.  And having interface compatibility with standard sequence containers makes swapping between a string and view representation require little more than changing a typedef.  The view implementation I'm currently using is one I created for use with this compiler, but having now read Matthew's article I'm going to take his somewhat more robust version for a spin.  Either way, I think the view approach is a clear win over std::string, both in memory use and in overall performance.
