February 01, 2006
thank you very much

got it to make the notepad program to c:

cant get the prompt to accept dmc   command  still trying different equations

February 01, 2006
nuts wrote:
> thank you very much
> got it to make the notepad program to c:
> cant get the prompt to accept dmc   command  still trying different equations

You have to add the folder in which dmc.exe is, to your
PATH environment variable.

There are two ways to do that:

1: In the prompt run the command:
The part before the ; has to be changed to the path to
dmc.exe. You have to run this command for each new

2: Set it permanently, to do that you have to open windows
control panel, find system, on the advanced tab push the
"environment variables" button and find path in the lower
of the two lists, hit edit and add the path to the end
of the value part, separated by a ;
This settings will not change the current running prompts.

In the bin folder find sc.ini and add the path to stlport
to enable dmc.exe to find the stl headerfiles.

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