October 25, 2006
Is there way to build Boost libraries v1.33.1 with DMC v8.49 without STLport?

I tried with:
bjam -sDMC_ROOT=c:\dmc -sTOOLS=dmc --without-python -q

This caused "Fatal error: unable to open input file 'utility'" as follows:

Building Boost.Iostreams with bzip2 support disabled.
To enable bzip2, consult the Boost.Iostreams documentation
Building Boost.Iostreams with zlib and gzip support disabled.
To enable zlib and gzip, consult the Boost.Iostreams documentation
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information
(and if you don't know what ICU is then you probably don't need it).
...found 10661 targets...
...updating 1512 targets...
dmc-C++-action bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\dmc\debug\greg
Fatal error: unable to open input file 'utility'
--- errorlevel 1

    "c:\dmc\bin\dmc" -cpp -c -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK=1 -DUSE_DATE_TIME_PRE_1_33_FAC
ET_IO -g -S -o+none -Ae -Ar -ND -I"bin\boost\libs\date_time\build" -I"c:\dmc\inc
lude" -I"X:" -o"bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\dmc\debug\gre
g_month.obj" "X:\libs\date_time\build\../src/gregorian/greg_month.cpp"

...failed dmc-C++-action bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\dmc\
...failed updating 1 target...
