December 15, 2006
Can someone please point me into the right direction with assigning a value to a struct on the same line where it is being declared.

In the sample code below I've gotten the new opAssign() operator
for structs to work just fine (the testAssign() function), and I
can use a function to init a declared struct with a value (the
testInitAssign1() function), but I can't seem to get the
testInitAssign2() function to work. I must be doing something
wrong, or using the wrong operator(s).

// varoper.d
// WinXP SP2, dmd v0.177
private import std.stdio;

struct var
    union U
        char[] s;
        real   r;

    private U u;

    //var opCall(char[] s)      { this.u.s = s; return *this;}
    var opAssign(in char[] s) { this.u.s = s; return *this; }
    var opAssign(in real   r) { this.u.r = r; return *this; }

    public char[] getCharA() { return this.u.s; }
    public real   getReal()  { return this.u.r; }

public var toVariant(in char[] s)
{ var v; v.opAssign(s); return v; }
public var toVariant(in real   r)
{ var v; v.opAssign(r); return v; }

int main()
    return 0;

// Works
void testAssign()
    var v1;

    v1 = "char[] value"c;
    writefln("v1=\"%s\"", v1.getCharA);

    v1 = 123.66L;
    writefln("v1=\"%s\"", v1.getReal);

// Works
void testInitAssign1()
    char[] s = "char[] value"c;
    var v2 = toVariant(s);
    var v3 = toVariant("char[] value"c);

    writefln("v2=\"%s\"", v2.getCharA);
    writefln("v3=\"%s\"", v3.getCharA);

// What to do to make this work?
void testInitAssign2()
    // ** How do I get opCall() for work here **
    //var v4 = "char[] value"c;
    //writefln("v4=\"%s\"", v4.getCharA);

Output with only the first two functions:
C:\dmd>dmd varoper.d
C:\dmd\bin\..\..\dm\bin\link.exe varoper,,,user32+kernel32/noi;

v1="char[] value"
v2="char[] value"
v3="char[] value"


Thanks in advance for any help,
David L.