January 11, 2007
charles@mandala1:/tmp/DSSS_ddbi/trunk$ dmd -run buildme.d sqlite
Error: 4invalid UTF-8 sequence
sh: pause: command not found

If I replace the "pause" command by a "ls", I get a list of the execution directory, thus:
charles@mandala1:/tmp/DSSS_ddbi/trunk$ dmd -run buildme.d sqlite
Error: 4invalid UTF-8 sequence
buildme    Database.o      docs           dsss.last IbResult.o       libSDD-dbi-msql.a  Result.o
buildme.d  dbi             dsss.conf      ErrorCode.o libSDD-dbi.a     MsqlDatabase.o     Row.o
buildme.o  DBIException.o  dsss.conf.rej  IbDatabase.o libSDD-dbi-ib.a  MsqlResult.o       Statement.o

Note that the error WRT invalid UTF-8 sequence remains.  It appears that at that point of the install script one is appending to an char array whose length has been extended by an explicit setting of length, and which was not thereby initialized.
buildCommand.length = buildCommandArray.length * 10;
for	(int i = 0;	i < buildCommand.length;	i++)
   buildCommand[i]	=	' ';

buildCommand.length = buildCommandArray.length * 10;

appears to fix the problem.