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Problem with header-file
Jan 15, 2007
Jan 15, 2007
Bertel Brander
Jan 16, 2007
Jan 16, 2007
Bertel Brander
Jan 17, 2007
Jan 17, 2007
Bertel Brander
Jan 18, 2007
Jan 18, 2007
Bertel Brander
Jan 19, 2007
January 15, 2007

Im a newbie to C++ and have a problem compiling with the DMC. I included a header-file (.h) into an very simple cpp-programm.

In this file is e.g. a line like this:

int WINAPI CasioIO_RespondToReceive(HCASIOIO handle, BYTE rows, BYTE columns,
double * values);

DMC reports errors cause of an missing "," and errors cause the "*", but the
code should be correct.
Have i to change the lines for DMC? Or is this header-file-line wrong?

January 15, 2007
davidek skrev:
> Hi!
> Im a newbie to C++ and have a problem compiling with the DMC.
> I included a header-file (.h) into an very simple cpp-programm.
> In this file is e.g. a line like this:
> int WINAPI CasioIO_RespondToReceive(HCASIOIO handle, BYTE rows, BYTE columns,
> double * values);
> DMC reports errors cause of an missing "," and errors cause the "*", but the
> code should be correct.
> Have i to change the lines for DMC? Or is this header-file-line wrong?

Do you have a decleration of HCASIOIO?
I don't think it is a standard one.

Just another homepage:
But it's mine - Bertel
January 16, 2007
The complete Header-File, which was delivered with an CasioIO.dll, is the
following: (casioio.h)

#define HCASIOIO	int

#define IOTYPE_CFX		1

#define ERR_COMMPORT		4

#define TYPE_VALUE		1
#define TYPE_MATRIX		2
#define TYPE_LIST		3

typedef void (*CASIOIO_EVENT)();

int WINAPI CasioIO_Uninit();
int WINAPI CasioIO_RespondToReceive(HCASIOIO handle, BYTE rows, BYTE columns,
double * values);
int WINAPI CasioIO_AfterReceive(HCASIOIO handle, BYTE * type, BYTE * name);
int WINAPI CasioIO_AfterSend(HCASIOIO handle, BYTE * type, BYTE * name, BYTE *
rows, BYTE * columns, double * values);
int WINAPI CasioIO_Init(BYTE comport, int iotype);
HCASIOIO WINAPI CasioIO_Open(int authorID, int productID, CASIOIO_EVENT sendproc,
CASIOIO_EVENT receiveproc);
int WINAPI CasioIO_Close(HCASIOIO handle);
January 16, 2007
davidek skrev:
> The complete Header-File, which was delivered with an CasioIO.dll, is the
> following: (casioio.h)

[snip code]

Do you include windows.h before casioio.h ?
If not, try it.

Do you have a .lib file for the dll?

Just another homepage:
But it's mine - Bertel
January 17, 2007
Yes, i included windows.h before casioio.h.

Yes, i have a .lib file too. (It was delivered with the .dll too.)

January 17, 2007
davidek skrev:
> Yes, i included windows.h before casioio.h.
> Yes, i have a .lib file too. (It was delivered with the .dll too.)


I wrote this:

#include <windows.h>
#include "casioio.h"
void SendFunc()
void RecvFunc()
   double X[] = {1, 2};
   CasioIO_RespondToReceive(Handle, 2, 3, X);
int main()
   CasioIO_Init(1, 0);
   Handle = CasioIO_Open(123, 321, SendFunc, RecvFunc);

It compiles without problems.
casioio.h is a file with the content you posted.

Can you post a complete example that show the problem?
Can I download casioio.h/.dll/.lib ?

Just another homepage:
But it's mine - Bertel
January 18, 2007

The background to my problem: I started to learn java-programming. Now i want to call functions of this dll out of java. For that i use the JNI (Java Native Interface), which allows to use DLLs in java.

I have to call the CasioIO.dll out of an new DLL, that i try to create (Wrapper). But i simply dont get the DLLs functions in the cpp-programm.

At he current state the Optlink reports "Error 42: Symbol Undefined" about the CasioIO-methods.

Here is a link to the CasioIO-download:

My files are in the attachment.

January 18, 2007
davidek skrev:
> Hi!
> The background to my problem: I started to learn java-programming. Now i want to
> call functions of this dll out of java. For that i use the JNI (Java Native
> Interface), which allows to use DLLs in java.
> I have to call the CasioIO.dll out of an new DLL, that i try to create (Wrapper).
> But i simply dont get the DLLs functions in the cpp-programm.
> At he current state the Optlink reports "Error 42: Symbol Undefined" about the
> CasioIO-methods.

You could do:
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "../SDK/vc/casioio.h"
#include "jni_test.h" //This includes the JNI. It is an header file created by a java-sdk-tool.

typedef int WINAPI (*CasioIO_UninitPtrT)();
CasioIO_UninitPtrT CasioIO_UninitPtr;
typedef int WINAPI (* CasioIO_InitPtrT)(BYTE comport, int iotype);
CasioIO_InitPtrT CasioIO_InitPtr;

JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_jni_1test_Uninit(JNIEnv *env, jclass)
   return CasioIO_UninitPtr();

JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_jni_1test_Init(JNIEnv *env, jclass cl, jshort comport, jint iotype)
   return CasioIO_InitPtr(comport, iotype);

void InitPointers()
   HINSTANCE Library = LoadLibrary("CasioIO.dll");
   CasioIO_UninitPtr = (CasioIO_UninitPtrT )GetProcAddress(Library, "CasioIO_Uninit");
      std::cout << "Failed to find CasioIO_Uninit" << std::endl;

   CasioIO_InitPtr = (CasioIO_InitPtrT )GetProcAddress(Library, "CasioIO_Init");
      std::cout << "Failed to find CasioIO_Init" << std::endl;

__declspec(dllexport) BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
   switch (ul_reason_for_call)
   return TRUE;

The above code compiles and creates a jni_test.DLL with this command line:
dmc -I\j2sdk1.4.2_10\include -I\j2sdk1.4.2_10\include\win32 -mn -WD jni_test.cpp kernel32.lib

You need to do something else than stc::cout << "..." in case of errors.

Just another homepage:
But it's mine - Bertel
January 19, 2007

Thank you very much! That solution works fine! I got an value back from the DLL-Method to the Java-App!

Thanks for the answers you wrote and for the effort!
