February 03, 2007
Hi Matthew.

	A quick question, After throughly enjoying the "imperfect c++" ( i used it to
learn c++ ) i am eager to get my hands on the next book on extending stl... I
see you are trying to slim it down a little, (an awful process in my experience)
but i was wondering is there a pre-order system  or something set up with the
publisher? am i to suppose you dont want cash in brown bag sent your office ? ;-)



February 03, 2007
"Joe Lovick" <joh3@anatexis.com> wrote in message news:eq2r2t$12ja$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> Hi Matthew.
> A quick question, After throughly enjoying the "imperfect c++"

Very kind of you to say so

> ( i used it to
> learn c++ )

Wow! That's not something I ever expected to hear. A bit scary really.

But my editor would be very happy to hear that. :-0

> i am eager to get my hands on the next book on extending stl... I see you are trying to slim it down a little, (an awful process in my

Yes indeed. Like having to pick which is your favourite child. ;-)

You have some experience of this?

> but i was wondering is there a pre-order system  or something set up with
> publisher?

Erm, not sure. The book's page on AWL is http://www.aw-bc.com/catalog/academic/product/0,1144,0321305507,00.html, but that indicates that it's not available for purchase.

Seems like Amazon.com will let you pre-order: http://www.amazon.com/Extended-STL-1-Matthew-Wilson/dp/0321305507/sr=1-1/qid=1170543551/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/104-0477458-0563969?ie=UTF8&s=books

> am i to suppose you dont want cash in brown bag sent your office ? ;-)

Ha! Yes, plese. Oodles of the stuff.