March 07, 2007
Hi Mathew,

I'm having some problems when doing a compilation with the CLR switch set.
Although the cases in that this type of compilation are necessary are rare I
do need to support them.
So do you have any ideas?

Cláudio Albuquerque

Compilation Ouput:
scoped_handle.hpp(122) : warning C4561: '__fastcall' incompatible with the
'/clr' option: converting to '__stdcall'

scoped_handle.hpp(130) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stlsoft::function_translator_fastcall<H,R>' being compiled

scoped_handle.hpp(246) : warning C4561: '__fastcall' incompatible with the '/clr' option: converting to '__stdcall'

scoped_handle.hpp(397) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stlsoft::scoped_handle<H>' being compiled

scoped_handle.hpp(259) : warning C4561: '__fastcall' incompatible with the '/clr' option: converting to '__stdcall'

scoped_handle.hpp(275) : error C2535: 'stlsoft::scoped_handle<H>::scoped_handle(H,void (__stdcall *)(H),H)' : member function already defined or declared

smartptr/scoped_handle.hpp(246) : see declaration of 'stlsoft::scoped_handle<H>::scoped_handle'

scoped_handle.hpp(288) : error C2535: 'stlsoft::scoped_handle<H>::scoped_handle(H,R (__stdcall *)(H),H)' : member function already defined or declared

scoped_handle.hpp(259) : see declaration of 'stlsoft::scoped_handle<H>::scoped_handle'

March 07, 2007
I know exactly how to fix that. I will see to it forthwith.

If you want to do it yourself, just put a suitable #ifndef around line 500 (the one that contains "#define STLSOFT_CF_FASTCALL_SUPPORTED") in $STLSOFT/include/stlsoft/internal/cccap/msvc.h. You probably won't have to #ifndef line 504, but it's possible.

I'll do this properly and test it, and release (either as a little patch here or, as is more likely, a beta 45 later today).



"Cláudio Albuquerque" <> wrote in message news:esn5uj$dd3$
> Hi Mathew,
> I'm having some problems when doing a compilation with the CLR switch set. Although the cases in that this type of compilation are necessary are rare
> do need to support them.
> So do you have any ideas?
> Thanks
> Cláudio Albuquerque
> Compilation Ouput:
> scoped_handle.hpp(122) : warning C4561: '__fastcall' incompatible with the
> '/clr' option: converting to '__stdcall'
> scoped_handle.hpp(130) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stlsoft::function_translator_fastcall<H,R>' being compiled
> scoped_handle.hpp(246) : warning C4561: '__fastcall' incompatible with the '/clr' option: converting to '__stdcall'
> scoped_handle.hpp(397) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stlsoft::scoped_handle<H>' being compiled
> scoped_handle.hpp(259) : warning C4561: '__fastcall' incompatible with the '/clr' option: converting to '__stdcall'
> scoped_handle.hpp(275) : error C2535:
> 'stlsoft::scoped_handle<H>::scoped_handle(H,void (__stdcall *)(H),H)' :
> member function already defined or declared
> smartptr/scoped_handle.hpp(246) : see declaration of
> 'stlsoft::scoped_handle<H>::scoped_handle'
> scoped_handle.hpp(288) : error C2535:
> 'stlsoft::scoped_handle<H>::scoped_handle(H,R (__stdcall *)(H),H)' :
> function already defined or declared
> scoped_handle.hpp(259) : see declaration of
> 'stlsoft::scoped_handle<H>::scoped_handle'