Thread overview
Apr 30, 2007
Apr 30, 2007
Bertel Brander
Apr 30, 2007
Apr 30, 2007
Bertel Brander
May 01, 2007
April 30, 2007
hi, my windows comp is currently broken (power supply burned), using a mac temporarily and building glut
(opengl util toolkit) for first time.

any knowledge anyone has to give will be used also when i get the windows thing back. also aiming to get a jumpstart on glut.

it seems to me, this information is relatively universal to any os. readme instructions:

Launch terminal

# change to glut project directory
cd (GLUT project directory)

# build the framework into /tmp
# Note: glut should be built with gcc3
pbxbuild install

# copy the framework and replace the existing one (note, sudo requires the admin password) sudo ditto /tmp/GLUT_External.dst/System/Library/Frameworks/GLUT.framework /System/Library/ Frameworks/GLUT.framework

NOTE: Due to archiving and unarchiving for posting of this sample code, the Foreground.o library may have inconsistant dates (Project Builder will note this error if it exists).  The can be fixed by running "ranlib" on this library as follows:

# change to glut project directory
cd (GLUT project directory)

# update Foreground.o library
ranlib Foreground.o

i dont really understand some of this. for example, i have heard of pbx, dont know what it is all about though.. whats the glut proj directory? i guess copy the image to some chosen folder..

ok, much appreciated
April 30, 2007
Rageleai skrev:
> hi, my windows comp is currently broken (power supply burned), using a mac temporarily and building glut
> (opengl util toolkit) for first time.

This newsgroup is dedicated to the Digital Mars C, C++ and D compilers,
which only run on DOS and Windows, so I think you should ask your
question elsewhere.

Just another homepage:
But it's mine - Bertel
April 30, 2007
i of course mean to include windows and other os's into the question, as cross-platform dev. has definite
advantages. personally, i would like to know how much overlaps with windows as i will seek alternate
utilities if every point in the 'readme' i posted is foreign to dmc capabilities. is anything, such as 'pbxbuild'
relevant within dmc syntax? glut is cross-platform so there could be relatively parallel build processes, no?
like would u know how to build in windows.. i have not yet done it, so there the wisdom is in your hands
April 30, 2007
Rageleai skrev:
> i of course mean to include windows and other os's into the question, as cross-platform dev. has definite
> advantages. personally, i would like to know how much overlaps with windows as i will seek alternate
> utilities if every point in the 'readme' i posted is foreign to dmc capabilities. is anything, such as 'pbxbuild'
> relevant within dmc syntax? glut is cross-platform so there could be relatively parallel build processes, no?
> like would u know how to build in windows.. i have not yet done it, so there the wisdom is in your hands

I have not used glut, so I can't comment on that.

I noticed that you in your previous post had a comment:
# Note: glut should be built with gcc3

Which seems to indicate that you need gcc to build glut.
gcc is cross platform, you can use it on mac, Windows, Linux, etc.

I don't know pbxbuild either, but it seems to be a mac tool.

Just another homepage:
But it's mine - Bertel
May 01, 2007
ok, yeah i was hoping it could have been built with something other than gcc3, i figured it could have seen 'glut must be built with gcc3'. this mac im on is really bugging me, finding it a tad confusing when some sites term some stuff 'platform independent' such as a few downloads from sourceforge. searchin for clarity and some peace here. the support u provide for dmc is very effective, obviously this build info will be resolved elsewhere so you can keep dmc support's pace up.

appreciated anyway