July 05, 2007
Hi Mathew,

Beforehand congrats on the new book I will be sure to get it, although your first book hasn't completely slinked in. :-)

I was trying to use the CString_cadapter with VC++ 8.0 and I got into some
The thing is I'm using the ATL classes, and on the afx_allocator.hpp and
mfcstl.hpp files there is the #include <afx.h> that does not go well with an
ATL project. So since CString class has been separated from MFC since 7.0 I
just commented the afx #include and included altstr.h before incluing the
cstring_cadapter file.

Like the subject states this is only an improvement suggestion, when you got the time.

Cláudio Albuquerque

July 15, 2007
> Hi Mathew,
> Beforehand congrats on the new book I will be sure to get it, although your first book hasn't completely slinked in. :-)

Thanks, I think. ;-)

> I was trying to use the CString_cadapter with VC++ 8.0 and I got into some
> problems.
> The thing is I'm using the ATL classes, and on the afx_allocator.hpp and
> mfcstl.hpp files there is the #include <afx.h> that does not go well with an
> ATL project. So since CString class has been separated from MFC since 7.0 I
> just commented the afx #include and included altstr.h before incluing the
> cstring_cadapter file.

Understood. Sounds like an eminently sensible suggestion. Alas, I am unable to get on to any fun things (i.e. open source work) until August, so it might be a while before you see any action, but I will get to it.

> Like the subject states this is only an improvement suggestion, when you got the time.

No worries. Thanks for the input.

Looking forward to hearing what you think about the book. :-)

