September 27, 2007
Hi Mathew,

I've been using basic_static_string<> class and I was trying to get a Starts With function like and I found this overload.
So I just wondering what's the n parameter for since it's not being used [I copied the implementation below]?

By the way would you consider adding an "attach constructor" to basic_static_string? (probably a change like that would be to much work with little gain)
I have a class that implements some of the basic_string functionality and allows me to do something like this:
    wchar_t wch[20];

    MyString<wchar_t> str(tch);

    str += L"hi";
I have this necessity because I have to work with a lot of POD types.

Somewhere in Imperfect C++ you mentioned that you implemented a memory pool as part of a network server (just can't remember what page/chapter), I'm just wondering if is it a part of STLSoft libraries?

Cláudio Albuquerque
inline ss_sint_t basic_static_string<C, CCH, T>::compare( ss_typename_type_k basic_static_string<C, CCH, T>::size_type pos,
                                                                                      ss_typename_type_k basic_static_string<C, CCH, T>::size_type n,
                                                                                      ss_typename_type_k basic_static_string<C, CCH, T>::value_type const* s) const



    size_type lhs_len = length();

    if(!(pos < lhs_len))
        pos = lhs_len;
    } else
        lhs_len -= pos;

    if(cch < lhs_len)
        lhs_len = cch;

    size_type rhs_len = (s == 0) ? 0 : traits_type::length(s);


    return compare_(m_buffer + pos, lhs_len, s, rhs_len);
