December 14, 2007

I've tried to use the ruby build tool Rake and no matter what i get the following error:
undefined method `exitstatus' for nil:NilClass

I've used a "hello world" simple test and made sure the rakefile is correct. after googling a bit it seems that rake checks the $? global variable that should contain the exit status of the compiler.
I've also checked using gcc (mingw) and it works as expected while specifying even just "dmd --help" fails.
is it possible that dmd doesn't return an exit status or something like that, or is it a different problem? any ideas on how to fix this?
btw, i use latest dmd (1.024) with tango on windows.


I've just upgraded to dmd 1.024 yesterday and also installed latest tango using the instructions on the wiki.
since then rebuild/dsss complain about:
Error: unrecognized switch '-debuglib=tango-base-dmd'
shouldn't I use that?
December 21, 2007
I use rake with dsss. For example see