Thread overview
Default struct constructors if a struct member is a union
Jun 30
Basile B.
Jul 01
Basile B.
Jul 07
June 29
union U {
    int i32;
    long i64;
    float f32;
    double f64;

struct S {
    TypeEnum type;
    U data;

S foo0 = S(TypeEnum.Integer32, S(20));  //Ugly, but works
S foo1 = S(TypeEnum.Integer64, S(20L)); //Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
//ditto for the rest of the members

My question is can I initialize structs like these in one line without relying on a second line? My usecase scenario doesn't really allow constructors for the struct, since it's a binding to an external library via C API.

June 30

On Saturday, 29 June 2024 at 23:33:41 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:


My question is can I initialize structs like these in one line without relying on a second line? My usecase scenario doesn't really allow constructors for the struct, since it's a binding to an external library via C API.

Apprently that works with an anonymous union:

enum TypeEnum {

struct S {

    TypeEnum type;

    union {
        int i32;
        long i64;
        float f32;
        double f64;

S foo0 = S(TypeEnum.Integer32, 20);
S foo1 = S(TypeEnum.Integer64, 20L);
June 30

On Saturday, 29 June 2024 at 23:33:41 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:


S foo0 = S(TypeEnum.Integer32, S(20)); //Ugly, but works
S foo1 = S(TypeEnum.Integer64, S(20L)); //Error: cannot

Did you mean U(20)? The 20 applies to the first field of the union, i32. U(20L) also works and (I think) it does the same because of VRP.


My question is can I initialize structs like these in one line without relying on a second line? My usecase scenario doesn't really allow constructors for the struct, since it's a binding to an external library via C API.

You can use a field initializer:

enum TypeEnum { Integer32, Integer64 }

union U {
    int i32;
    long i64;
    float f32;
    double f64;

struct S {
    TypeEnum type;
    U data;

S foo0 = S(TypeEnum.Integer32, U(20)); // init i32
S foo1 = S(TypeEnum.Integer64, U(f32: 0.5F));

// struct initializer syntax
S foo2 = {TypeEnum.Integer32, {20}};
S foo3 = {TypeEnum.Integer64, {f32: 0.5F}}; // init f32

void main()
    assert( == 20);
    assert( == 0.5F);
July 01

On Sunday, 30 June 2024 at 11:23:45 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:


On Saturday, 29 June 2024 at 23:33:41 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:


S foo0 = S(TypeEnum.Integer32, S(20)); //Ugly, but works
S foo1 = S(TypeEnum.Integer64, S(20L)); //Error: cannot

Did you mean U(20)? The 20 applies to the first field of the union, i32. U(20L) also works and (I think) it does the same because of VRP.


My question is can I initialize structs like these in one line without relying on a second line? My usecase scenario doesn't really allow constructors for the struct, since it's a binding to an external library via C API.

You can use a field initializer:

enum TypeEnum { Integer32, Integer64 }

union U {
    int i32;
    long i64;
    float f32;
    double f64;

struct S {
    TypeEnum type;
    U data;

S foo0 = S(TypeEnum.Integer32, U(20)); // init i32
S foo1 = S(TypeEnum.Integer64, U(f32: 0.5F));

// struct initializer syntax
S foo2 = {TypeEnum.Integer32, {20}};
S foo3 = {TypeEnum.Integer64, {f32: 0.5F}}; // init f32

void main()
    assert( == 20);
    assert( == 0.5F);

That's another solution, that being said, the real problem OP encountered is the classic one of "implict construction", which is not a D thing.

July 02

On Saturday, 29 June 2024 at 23:33:41 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:

union U {
    int i32;
    long i64;
    float f32;
    double f64;

struct S {
    TypeEnum type;
    U data;

S foo0 = S(TypeEnum.Integer32, S(20));  //Ugly, but works
S foo1 = S(TypeEnum.Integer64, S(20L)); //Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
//ditto for the rest of the members

My question is can I initialize structs like these in one line without relying on a second line? My usecase scenario doesn't really allow constructors for the struct, since it's a binding to an external library via C API.

Have you tried named parameter construction?

S foo2 = S(TypeEnum.Float32, U(f32: 20.0));


July 02

On Saturday, 29 June 2024 at 23:33:41 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:


My usecase scenario doesn't really allow constructors for the struct, since it's a binding to an external library via C API.

BTW, this is not true. A constructor does not change the struct layout or anything about it from the C side. You can safely add the struct constructor (or any other struct member functions) and the struct itself should be C compatible.


July 07

On Saturday, 29 June 2024 at 23:33:41 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:


My question is can I initialize structs like these in one line without relying on a second line?

template ValueOfUDAType(alias T, alias UDA) {
	static foreach (uidx, U; __traits(getAttributes, T)) static if (is(typeof(U) == UDA)) enum UDA ValueOfUDAType = U;
struct S {
	enum TypeEnum {
	union U {
		@(TypeEnum.Integer32) int i32;
		@(TypeEnum.Integer64) long i64;
		@(TypeEnum.Float32) float f32;
		@(TypeEnum.Float64) double f64;
	TypeEnum type;
	U data;
	this(T)(T t) { opAssign(t); }
	void opAssign(S rhs) {
		static foreach (idx, field; S.tupleof) {
			this.tupleof[idx] = rhs.tupleof[idx];
	void opAssign(T)(T t) {
		static foreach (idx, field; data.tupleof) static if (is(T == typeof(field))) {
			type = ValueOfUDAType!(field, TypeEnum);
			data.tupleof[idx] = t;
			static assert(!is(typeof(FOUND)), "Assigning type "~fullyQualifiedName!T~" matches multiple candidates "~fullyQualifiedName!U);
			enum bool FOUND = true;
		static assert(is(typeof(FOUND)), "Cannot assign type "~fullyQualifiedName!T~" to "~fullyQualifiedName!U);
	T get(T)() {
		static foreach (idx, field; data.tupleof) static if (is(T == typeof(field))) {
			enforce(type == ValueOfUDAType!(field, TypeEnum), "Type mismatch requesting "~fullyQualifiedName!T);
			return data.tupleof[idx];
	bool is_a(T)() {
		static foreach (idx, field; data.tupleof) static if (is(T == typeof(field))) {
			return (type == ValueOfUDAType!(field, TypeEnum));

S s = 3.14f;
assert(s.type == S.TypeEnum.Float32);
s = 9.17;
assert(s.type == S.TypeEnum.Float64);

if (s.is_a!double) {
try {
	int n = s.get!int;
} catch (Exception e) {
	writeln("Not an int");

s = 20;
assert(s.type == S.TypeEnum.Integer32);
s = 40L;
assert(s.type == S.TypeEnum.Integer64);

Or just use SumType.