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gcc 4.8.1 made it to Debian Sid
Jun 05, 2013
Jul 05, 2013
Jul 05, 2013
Jul 08, 2013
Jul 18, 2013
Jul 05, 2013
Iain Buclaw
Jul 05, 2013
H. S. Teoh
Jul 05, 2013
H. S. Teoh
Jul 08, 2013
Jul 10, 2013
H. S. Teoh
Jul 10, 2013
Iain Buclaw
Jul 10, 2013
Jul 10, 2013
Jul 10, 2013
Jul 10, 2013
Jul 10, 2013
Iain Buclaw
Jul 10, 2013
Jul 10, 2013
Iain Buclaw
Jul 10, 2013
Iain Buclaw
Jul 10, 2013
Iain Buclaw
Jul 10, 2013
H. S. Teoh
Jul 11, 2013
H. S. Teoh
Jul 11, 2013
Iain Buclaw
Jul 19, 2013
H. S. Teoh
Jul 19, 2013
Johannes Pfau
Jul 19, 2013
Jul 22, 2013
Jul 19, 2013
Iain Buclaw
Jul 05, 2013
H. S. Teoh
Jul 05, 2013
Iain Buclaw
Jul 05, 2013
H. S. Teoh
Jul 05, 2013
Iain Buclaw
June 05, 2013
and into Ubuntu Saucy.

Is the corresponding gdc-4.8.1 package (http://packages.debian.org/sid/gdc-4.8) improved with respect to the previous gdc-4.8? The changelog of gdc-4.8.1 only show info about the gcc.

BTW, why the gdc-4.8 git branch is no longer updated? We should compile master only against gcc-4.9?

June 05, 2013
On 06/05/2013 05:44 PM, eles wrote:
> BTW, why the gdc-4.8 git branch is no longer updated? We should compile master only against gcc-4.9?

master currently compiles against gcc-4.8.1, at least on my system :-)

July 05, 2013
On Wednesday, 5 June 2013 at 15:55:51 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
> On 06/05/2013 05:44 PM, eles wrote:
> master currently compiles against gcc-4.8.1, at least on my system :-)

You are lucky. I did not succeed in compiling the gdc master/HEAD on my Linux box,a t least not fully.

What system have you?
July 05, 2013
On 07/05/2013 03:34 PM, eles wrote:
> You are lucky. I did not succeed in compiling the gdc master/HEAD on my Linux box,a t least not fully.
> What system have you?

Ubuntu 13.04.  I have also compiled GDC successfully using 4.8.1 on a cluster in my office which runs Ubuntu 12.04.

July 05, 2013
On 5 July 2013 14:45, Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling@webdrake.net> wrote:
> On 07/05/2013 03:34 PM, eles wrote:
>> You are lucky. I did not succeed in compiling the gdc master/HEAD on my Linux box,a t least not fully.
>> What system have you?
> Ubuntu 13.04.  I have also compiled GDC successfully using 4.8.1 on a cluster in my office which runs Ubuntu 12.04.

You use gdc at work? :o)

Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';
July 05, 2013
On Friday, 5 July 2013 at 13:45:30 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
> On 07/05/2013 03:34 PM, eles wrote:
> Ubuntu 13.04.  I have also compiled GDC successfully using 4.8.1 on a cluster in
> my office which runs Ubuntu 12.04.

Ubuntu 13.10-x86_64 here (alpha). Do you use these instructions?


Do you mind updating those or publishing a script that does the compilation (the initial one and the one after each git pull).

July 05, 2013
On 07/05/2013 04:25 PM, Iain Buclaw wrote:
> You use gdc at work? :o)

Yup.  The day job is in a research group, so I can use what I like. :-)

I did have some worries that if I and colleagues started sharing code we'd have trouble, as they're mostly wedded to C/C++/Python combinations (and occasionally Fortran:-), but in practice we tend to each do independent implementations of simulations.  In my experience this is a good thing as this way everyone learns how to do stuff, and any discrepancies usually lead to identification of bugs.
July 05, 2013
On 07/05/2013 04:40 PM, eles wrote:
> On Friday, 5 July 2013 at 13:45:30 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
>> On 07/05/2013 03:34 PM, eles wrote:
>> Ubuntu 13.04.  I have also compiled GDC successfully using 4.8.1 on a cluster in
>> my office which runs Ubuntu 12.04.
> Ubuntu 13.10-x86_64 here (alpha). Do you use these instructions?

I'll describe exactly what I do.

Let's suppose that we have a directory called $(GDCDIR) that holds everything.

In $(GDCDIR)/dev I have my local copy of the GDC git repo.  This is GDC master, not any of the 4.x branches.

In $(GDCDIR)/gcc-4.8.1 I have the GCC sources.  This is just the .tar.gz download from one of the GCC mirrors, unzipped.


    cd $(GDCDIR)/dev
    ./setup-gcc.sh ../gcc-4.8.1
    mkdir ../objdir
    cd ../objdir
    ../gcc-4.8.1/configure --enable-languages=d --disable-multilib
--enable-checking=release --prefix=/opt/gdc
    make   [ with -j for as many processors as you can spare, it helps! ]

I think this matches pretty closely the general installation instructions: http://www.gdcproject.org/wiki/Installation/General

It's no longer necessary to bother with the hassle of getting Debian/Ubuntu GCC sources, as from 4.8 on GCC supports multiarch.  This also saves the hassle of having to patch the Debian sources.

With the above done, if I pull in any updates from GDC master, I can rebuild as follows:

    cd $(GDCDIR)/dev
    ./setup-gcc.sh --update ../gcc-4.8.1
    cd ../objdir
    make    [ still use -j as many processors as you can :-) ]

I should add that I arrived at this simple process substantially thanks to a good deal of coaching and education from Iain, without whom GCC would have defeated me :-)

When I did use .deb sources, I used gcc-snapshot -- I described the process
here: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/mailman.1605.1352199912.5162.d.gnu@puremagic.com

... although watch out, there's one important typo in that set of instructions.

Anyway, the instructions in this email are probably the best to go with now.

Let me know how it goes for you ... :-)

Best wishes,

    -- Joe

P.S. You'll probably also want to install gdmd which these days has a separate git repo.  Very easy to install -- you just need to tweak the Makefile so that the install prefix goes where you want it to.
July 05, 2013
On 5 July 2013 17:35, Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling@webdrake.net> wrote:
> P.S. You'll probably also want to install gdmd which these days has a separate git repo.  Very easy to install -- you just need to tweak the Makefile so that the install prefix goes where you want it to.

On the note of that, is there anyone willing to take the keys for gdmd? :-)

Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';
July 05, 2013
On 07/05/2013 07:12 PM, Iain Buclaw wrote:
> On the note of that, is there anyone willing to take the keys for gdmd? :-)

Honestly, I'm not sure I'd know how to handle it.  I don't know Perl and the kind of D programming that would be involved in re-implementing it in D is not what I'm used to.

I did think of writing a configure script to allow the user to tweak a few defaults (like the install prefix) but that actually seems overkill for something so simple.

Is there anything that actually needs to be done apart from D-ifying it?
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