August 09, 2010

  Using stlsoft-1.9.97: this program has 2 lines that don't compile on MSVC 6.0:

#include <platformstl/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <winstl/filesystem/path.hpp>

int main()
   //winstl::path wpath0 = "."; // Does not compile:
   //// error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'char [2]' to
   ////              'class stlsoft::winstl_project::basic_path<char,struct stlsoft::winstl_project::filesystem_traits<char>,class stlsoft::winstl_project::processheap_allocator<char> >'
   ////         No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous

   winstl::path wpath1(".");
   winstl::path wpath2;
   wpath2 = wpath1;          // OK
   wpath2 = wpath1.c_str();  // OK

   platformstl::path ppath0 = ".";
   platformstl::path ppath1(".");
   platformstl::path ppath2;
   //ppath2 = ppath1;              // Does not compile: error C2593: 'operator =' is ambiguous
   ppath2 = ppath1.c_str();        // OK

   return 0;

It seems that platformstl::path and winstl::path are not identical in their behaviour.
