July 20, 2011
I noticed in the D spec it states that

"Function template type parameters that are to be implicitly deduced may not have specializations"

However, the following code works:

void Foo(T : double)(T t) { writefln("%f",t+2); }

I was wondering if this is behavior that can be relied upon, or if it may change in the future? Or am I misreading things?
July 20, 2011
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 07:52:58 +0200, csci <csci@nowhere.com> wrote:

> I noticed in the D spec it states that
> "Function template type parameters that are to be implicitly deduced may not have
> specializations"
> However, the following code works:
> void Foo(T : double)(T t) { writefln("%f",t+2); }
> ...
> Foo(5.5);
> I was wondering if this is behavior that can be relied upon, or if it may change
> in the future? Or am I misreading things?

It would very much seem you are correct in your interpretation. I
question however, the validity of that part of the spec.

In short, it works now, and I see no reason for that not to work.
