September 25, 2014

          Issue ID: 13531
           Summary: Destructor attributes don't take member destructor
                    attributes into account
           Product: D
           Version: D2
          Hardware: All
                OS: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P1
         Component: DMD

If you have "S" with completely unsafe destructor, and you aggregate it into "SS":

struct S
    ~this() //not nothrow, system, impure, gc etc...

struct SS
    S s;
    ~this() @safe pure nothrow @nogc

This compiles. This may or may not be wrong, depending on your point of view: The "code content" of the destructor is indeed actually safe etc...

The issue comes if you actually do try to use it in a safe context:

void main() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
    SS ss;

Here is the error message:
Error: pure function 'D main' cannot call impure function 'main.SS.~this'
Error: safe function 'D main' cannot call system function 'main.SS.~this'
Error: @nogc function 'D main' cannot call non-@nogc function 'main.SS.~this'
Error: 'main.SS.~this' is not nothrow
Error: function 'D main' is nothrow yet may throw

The issue here is that it clearly states that "SS.~this" is the one that is unsafe, yet it is clearly marked as such.

IMO, the bug is that it should have never been legally marked as @safe to begin with.
