November 10, 2014

          Issue ID: 13706
           Summary: 76 duplicate static dtors emitted and counting
           Product: D
           Version: D2
          Hardware: All
                OS: All
            Status: NEW
          Keywords: wrong-code
          Severity: major
          Priority: P1
         Component: DMD

When using separate compilation, DMD emits and calls many duplicate static dtors. In one larger code base I found the counter at 76 while debugging an issue. Here is a reduced test case that creates only one duplicate:

module main;

import a, b;

void main()
    A a;
    B b;

module a;

import res;

struct A { Block!() field; }

module b;

import std.typecons, res;

struct B { Block!() field; }

module res;

struct Block()
    import core.stdc.stdio;
    shared static ~this() { debug printf ("struct Block shared static dtor
%s\n", __FUNCTION__.ptr); }
           static ~this() { debug printf ("struct Block        static dtor
%s\n", __FUNCTION__.ptr); }

This prints on DMD 2.066.1 and 2.065.0:

struct Block        static dtor res.Block!().Block._staticDtor6
struct Block        static dtor res.Block!().Block._staticDtor4
struct Block shared static dtor res.Block!().Block._sharedStaticDtor5
struct Block shared static dtor res.Block!().Block._sharedStaticDtor3

On DMD 2.064.2 the output was:

struct Block        static dtor res.Block!().Block._staticDtor11
struct Block        static dtor res.Block!().Block._staticDtor4
struct Block shared static dtor res.Block!().Block._sharedStaticDtor10
struct Block shared static dtor res.Block!().Block._sharedStaticDtor3

Tagged as wrong code, like when a common dtor would be called twice by the runtime.

P.S.: I also wonder what the static dtors 1 and 2 are created for. I often get runtime errors about circular dependencies of modules with static constructors, but cannot see any in the respective modules.
