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Exact effects of returning Structs
Aug 27, 2010
Era Scarecrow
Aug 27, 2010
Aug 27, 2010
Era Scarecrow
Aug 27, 2010
Era Scarecrow
August 27, 2010
  I have some experimental code I'm writing, and it seems when i return a structure it is either corrupted, or should be disallowed all together. A postblit is suggested this(this), but since I'm returning a structure that isn't tied to anything else it doesn't need to duplicate it.


struct A{
int b;
char c[];

void fun1() {
  A a;
  a = fun2();
//array a.c corrupted, causes range exception
//int a.b corrupted?!?

A fun2(){
  A t;
  t.c.length = 100;
/*do something*/
  return t;  //valid before returning.

August 27, 2010
Era Scarecrow:

>   I have some experimental code I'm writing, and it seems when i return a structure it is either corrupted, or should be disallowed all together. A postblit is suggested this(this), but since I'm returning a structure that isn't tied to anything else it doesn't need to duplicate it.

If possible please show a complete minimal program that contains a main() that shows your problem. I have written this, but I don't see the problem:

import std.stdio: writeln, write;

enum int N = 100;

struct Foo {
    int x;
    char[] arr;

Foo fun2() {
    Foo f1;
    f1.arr.length = N;
    f1.arr[] = 'x';
    f1.x = 25;

    foreach(i; 0 .. N)
    return f1;

void main() {
    Foo f2;
    f2 = fun2();
    foreach(i; 0 .. N)

August 27, 2010
== Quote from bearophile ('s article
> Era Scarecrow:
> >   I have some experimental code I'm writing, and it seems when i return a
structure it is either corrupted, or should be disallowed all together. A postblit is suggested this(this), but since I'm returning a structure that isn't tied to anything else it doesn't need to duplicate it.
> If possible please show a complete minimal program that contains a main() that
shows your problem.

 I know i've been going a different route with the code since so i am not sure
where exactly it was, and can't duplicate the problem now.

 However single-lining through it brings up a question of assumption. Aren't
array's (dynamic and otherwise) filled with 0's by default?

Str_BigNum add(in Str_BigNum rhs) {
	Str_BigNum tmp;
	char res[];
	res.length = _result.length + 1;
	res[1 .. $] = _result[];
//res[0] should be null, right??
	_addsub!("+")(res, rhs._result);
	tmp._result = res;
	return tmp;
August 27, 2010
On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 16:04:50 -0400, Era Scarecrow <> wrote:

> == Quote from bearophile ('s article
>> Era Scarecrow:
>> >   I have some experimental code I'm writing, and it seems when i  
>> return a
> structure it is either corrupted, or should be disallowed all together. A postblit
> is suggested this(this), but since I'm returning a structure that isn't tied to
> anything else it doesn't need to duplicate it.
>> If possible please show a complete minimal program that contains a main() that
> shows your problem.
>  I know i've been going a different route with the code since so i am not sure
> where exactly it was, and can't duplicate the problem now.
>  However single-lining through it brings up a question of assumption. Aren't
> array's (dynamic and otherwise) filled with 0's by default?

No, arrays are filled with the .init value.  For char, that's 0xff.

August 27, 2010
== Quote from Steven Schveighoffer ('s article
> > array's (dynamic and otherwise) filled with 0's by default?
> No, arrays are filled with the .init value.  For char, that's 0xff. -Steve

 Ahh that's right. It's 0xFF which is a illegal character for UTF-8 encoding. That
does help explain why my asserts involving 0 to 9 kept failing, since my checks
were for 0x0, and 0x20.

 If i happen to duplicate the original problem i'll post back again.