June 07

I know there is modular exponentiation std.math.exponential.powmod in the standard library.While it works great in Pyrhon (even with very large numbers), it doesn't work with signed numbers in D. That's why I turned to the alternative below. Don't let it be misunderstood, I don't want to wear out the D language, I use whatever I have, I love D and I don't ask why it works so strangely.

//import std.math.exponential : fpowmod = powmod; /*
T fpowmod(T)(T base, T exponent, T modulus)
    auto r = T(1);
    for (T x = base, y = exponent; y;
        x = x * x % modulus, y /= 2)
        if (y % 2) r = r * x % modulus;

    return r;



I have only one question: Is there a modInverse() function in the standard library for use in RSA? I did research on this subject within the relevant modules. I guess not these?

June 08

On Friday, 7 June 2024 at 13:43:29 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:



I have only one question: Is there a modInverse() function in the standard library for use in RSA?

Apparently not, it fell to lot :)

I already had such a function...

auto modInverse(T)(T m, T n) pure
  T q, ilk = n;
  T y, tmp, x = 1;

  while (m > 1)
    q = m / n;

    tmp = n;
      n = m % n;
      m = tmp;

    tmp = y;
      y = x - q * y;
      x = tmp;
  return x < 0 ? x + ilk : x;

And in the BigInt module there was divMod() next to powmod():

auto modInverse(BigInt a, BigInt m)
  BigInt q, m0 = m;
  BigInt tmp, y, x = 1;

  while (a > 1)
    // m is remainder now
    tmp = m;
    divMod(a, m, q, m);

    // process same as Euclid's algorithm
    a = tmp;
    tmp = y;

    // Update y and x
    y = x - q * y;
    x = tmp;

  // Make x positive
  if (x < 0) x += m0;

  return x;

Is PR required? Why not modInverse too!
