Thread overview
DUB on Apple Silicon
Oct 30, 2023
Jan Allersma
Oct 30, 2023
Jan Allersma
Oct 30, 2023
Oct 31, 2023
Jan Allersma
Nov 01, 2023
Jan Allersma
Nov 01, 2023
Jan Allersma
Oct 31, 2023
Guillaume Piolat
October 30, 2023


Currently I'm trying to compile a DUB project on my Apple with M1 processor.
When I was trying to build to project, something strange happened:

$ dub run --vverbose --force --compiler=/usr/local/homebrew/Cellar/ldc/1.35.0/bin/ldc2 --arch=arm64
Using dub registry url ''
'git --git-dir=/<path-to-my-dub-project>/.git describe --long --tags' failed with exit code 128: fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.
Determined package version using GIT: printplaat ~persistency
Error Unsupported architecture: arm64
Full exception: dub.compilers.compiler.UnsupportedArchitectureException@source/dub/compilers/ldc.d(93): Unsupported architecture: arm64
??:? object.Throwable.TraceInfo core.runtime.defaultTraceHandler(void*) [0x10472f3d2]

I cannot figure out why I get this error and why it is not possible for me to compile my project. My dub.json may look a bit odd, but I don't see why that should be the reason for the problem. Does anyone know what the problem could be?

Many thanks in advance!

October 31, 2023

Use aarch64 instead.
October 30, 2023

On Monday, 30 October 2023 at 21:06:34 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:



Use aarch64 instead.

Thanks! It seems to partially solve the problem. When building, the linker still expects x86_64 architecture instead of arm64:

/usr/local/homebrew/Cellar/ldc/1.35.0/bin/ldc2 -L-lstdc++ -Xcc --mv=arsd.dom=/Users/werk/.dub/packages/arsd-official/11.2.2/arsd-official/dom.d --mv=arsd.characterencodings=/Users/werk/.dub/packages/arsd-official/11.2.2/arsd-official/characterencodings.d --mv=arsd.core=/Users/werk/.dub/packages/arsd-official/11.2.2/arsd-official/core.d -march=aarch64 -c -of/Users/werk/.dub/cache/printplaat/~apple-silicon/build/application-debug-881Rj0Sg_L43vATMyoyqKA/printplaat.o -d-debug -g -w --oq -od=/Users/werk/.dub/cache/printplaat/~apple-silicon/build/application-debug-881Rj0Sg_L43vATMyoyqKA/obj -d-version=Have_printplaat -d-version=Have_arsd_official_dom -d-version=Have_arsd_official_characterencodings -d-version=Have_arsd_official_core -Isrc/ sdl_wrapper/build/arsd-official/arsd/dom.d src/app.d src/components.d src/input/delegates.d src/input/field.d src/palette.d src/persistency.d -vcolumns
     Linking printplaat
/usr/local/homebrew/Cellar/ldc/1.35.0/bin/ldc2 -of/Users/werk/.dub/cache/printplaat/~apple-silicon/build/application-debug-881Rj0Sg_L43vATMyoyqKA/printplaat /Users/werk/.dub/cache/printplaat/~apple-silicon/build/application-debug-881Rj0Sg_L43vATMyoyqKA/printplaat.o ../../.dub/cache/arsd-official/11.2.2/+dom/build/library-debug-QoYAFb4-AqELlyjHCh3Bog/libarsd-official_dom.a ../../.dub/cache/arsd-official/11.2.2/+characterencodings/build/library-debug-O9UK1pRdgOznLacdyYRRLA/libarsd-official_characterencodings.a ../../.dub/cache/arsd-official/11.2.2/+core/build/library-debug-kVIIkSg8q9PWianoM_cwlw/libarsd-official_core.a -L-Lsdl_wrapper/build -L-lsdlwrapper -L-lSDL2 -L-lSDL2_ttf -L-lstdc++ -march=aarch64 -g
ld: warning: ignoring file 'sdl_wrapper/build/libSDL2_ttf.a[2](libSDL2_ttf_la-SDL_ttf.o)': found architecture 'arm64', required architecture 'x86_64'
ld: warning: ignoring file '../../.dub/cache/arsd-official/11.2.2/+core/build/library-debug-kVIIkSg8q9PWianoM_cwlw/libarsd-official_core.a[2](arsd.core.o)': found architecture 'arm64', required architecture 'x86_64'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/Users/werk/.dub/cache/printplaat/~apple-silicon/build/application-debug-881Rj0Sg_L43vATMyoyqKA/printplaat.o': found architecture 'arm64', required architecture 'x86_64'
ld: warning: ignoring file '../../.dub/cache/arsd-official/11.2.2/+characterencodings/build/library-debug-O9UK1pRdgOznLacdyYRRLA/libarsd-official_characterencodings.a[2](arsd.characterencodings.o)': found architecture 'arm64', required architecture 'x86_64'
ld: warning: ignoring file '../../.dub/cache/arsd-official/11.2.2/+dom/build/library-debug-QoYAFb4-AqELlyjHCh3Bog/libarsd-official_dom.a[2](arsd.dom.o)': found architecture 'arm64', required architecture 'x86_64'
ld: warning: ignoring file '/usr/local/homebrew/Cellar/ldc/1.35.0/lib/libphobos2-ldc.a[183](zlib.o)': found architecture 'arm64', required architecture 'x86_64'

And so on...

Could it have something to do with -L-lstdc++? Or am I supposed to use a different linker?

October 31, 2023
I have no suggestion except telling dub to ``--force`` a new build. Just in case there is something left over.
October 30, 2023

On Monday, 30 October 2023 at 21:29:50 UTC, Jan Allersma wrote:


On Monday, 30 October 2023 at 21:06:34 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:



Use aarch64 instead.

Thanks! It seems to partially solve the problem. When building, the linker still expects x86_64 architecture instead of arm64:

Hello Jan,
I don't know much about compiling with dub. But I think that the program invoking the linker defines the mode of the linker; looks like the linker is called from an x86_64 binary, instead of an arm64.

Can you tell us (use file ... to check):

  1. Is ldc2 an arm64 binary or an x86_64 binary?
  2. is dub arm64?

I think in an ideal world you don't even have to tell dub what arch to build for, it automatically selects the right architecture.
If you use the LDC released binaries for macOS from LDC's github, you will get arm64 versions of ldc2, dub, ...


October 31, 2023

On Monday, 30 October 2023 at 20:51:39 UTC, Jan Allersma wrote:


Many thanks in advance!

dub -a arm64-apple-macos

October 31, 2023

On Monday, 30 October 2023 at 22:06:11 UTC, Johan wrote:


Can you tell us (use file ... to check):

  1. Is ldc2 an arm64 binary or an x86_64 binary?
  2. is dub arm64?

I have tried using --force and the flag Guillaume Piolat suggested. Unfortunately, both solutions did not solve the problem. Johan's suggestion gave some insights:

$ file `which dub`
/usr/local/bin/dub: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64

$ file /usr/local/homebrew/Cellar/ldc/1.35.0/bin/ldc2
/usr/local/homebrew/Cellar/ldc/1.35.0/bin/ldc2: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64

$ file `which ld`
/usr/bin/ld: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures: [x86_64:Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64] [arm64e:Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64e]
/usr/bin/ld (for architecture x86_64):	Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
/usr/bin/ld (for architecture arm64e):	Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64e

I will try to get a arm64 version of DUB. Once I have done that, I will give an update.

November 01, 2023

On Tuesday, 31 October 2023 at 09:03:12 UTC, Jan Allersma wrote:


I will try to get a arm64 version of DUB. Once I have done that, I will give an update.

Maybe I am too much of a rookie, but compiling DUB from source with ldc2 gave me a lot of frustrations. I ended up making a Bash script that does the same I expect DUB to do. With this configuration, compiling to aarch64 is possible. I assume that Johan's suggestion was right, looking back at the script I made now.

Thanks for everyone's input!

November 01, 2023

On Monday, 30 October 2023 at 22:06:11 UTC, Johan wrote:


If you use the LDC released binaries for macOS from LDC's github, you will get arm64 versions of ldc2, dub, ...

I am such a silly goose. I overlooked the option to just download the binaries. Downloading it resolved the problem. So I can still use DUB if I want to. Thanks! 😁