January 11, 2019

I'd prefer very much to produce import-lib and dll with dmc and olink for VC++ projects.

It is strange for me, that the obj file is smaller than with other compilers.
The lib file misses some information, too, that you can see when comparing with different linkers, e.g. /arch

When using resulting lib and import lib in VC++ and link that project the linker complains: "lib file: invalid or corrupt file.

dmc command I use:

dmc source.cpp -cpp -c -Wd -mn -r  -DWIN32 -D_WINDOWS -D_USRDLL -DMAKELIB_EXPORTS -D_WINDLL -DDLL

olink command:

olink source.obj, dllsample.dll,, user32.lib kernel32.lib, dllsample.def /EXETYPE:NT /IMPLIB:"dllsample.lib" /noi /machine:i386

Thank You very much